Chris Salstrom


  • Rachel Twigg

    Rachel Twigg is a Priest, Writer, Spiritual Director, and Retreat Guide. You can follow her on her website at, or on social media as “Rev Rachel.”

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  • Theo Robinson

    The Reverend Theo Robinson is an Anglican priest serving as a Pastor in the Interlake Regional Shared Ministry with the Lutheran Church of the MNO Synod. You can follow his blog at

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  • Chris Salstrom

    Chris Salstrom is a Certified Spiritual Health Practitioner at Riverview Health Centre. She conducts research in the area of Spiritual Health, especially in the field of Long-Term Care and Dementia, and Quality of Life issues. She is a Transitional Deacon working at St. Stephen and St. Bede.

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  • RLN

    Connecting Church & community.

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Sitting With Synod 2022

Rupert’s Land News reached out to various delegates to the 118th Session of the Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land which was held in

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