
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

“When we pray at church, it combines our hearts with God”, a child commented as he watched the mingling of the water and wine. Another child answered, “We belong to him.  He is strong and we are weak.” The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd answered a lifetime of vocational questions

Science Vs. Religion?

In this edition of our Via Media column, Professor and Economist Anthony Waterman explores the relationship between science and religion. Anthony Waterman is a writer and retired Professor of Economics at St. John’s College. His recent works can be found at amcwaterman.com. Protestant fundamentalists think that Evolution ought not to

May Magazine

This month’s magazine has a special focus on children’s ministry. Also look for the Via Media column on faith and religion, the Saints’ Story about the life of Margaret Etter, and a piece on living with Autism in the Church. Click on the link below to view the magazine online.

Pain and Blessing: Autism and the Church

A longer version of this article was originally published in the Canadian Lutheran. As a family living with autism, we’ve experienced both pain and blessing through the Church, but overall I’d describe the Church’s attitude toward disability as “benevolent indifference.” There’s a general feeling of good will toward people with

Holy Smoke!

The choir was practising as I entered and I heard the very Tudor Anthems which had so captivated me in my listening lesson assignments. But this was no recording. “This is surely what heaven must sound like,” I thought.  But what was that incredible smell? I came to Anglicanism as

Book Review: A Journey Just Begun

A Journey Just Begun: the story of an Anglican sisterhood is a beautifully colour illustrated coffee table book complied by famous Canadian writer Jane Christmas and Sister Constance Joanna with a foreword by Primate Fred Hiltz. The book tells the story of the only indigenous Canadian Anglican religious order for women, the Sisterhood of St. John the

The Centre of Faith

So, what is your take on the Resurrection, I’m asked.  What stories do you have about Resurrection in your life? Frankly, it’s not something I’ve thought of. Resurrection has always been a given, a gift, although for sure in talking to others about Christ, I realize how much I to

Learning Eastertide from the Monks

From my very first visit to Collegeville, Minnesota, I’ve been smitten by the place. It was the summer of 2008, and I’d been given the opportunity to attend a Collegeville Institute writing workshop. Since that first visit, I’ve returned four more times, including a month-long sabbatical stay in 2011. But

View from the Empty Tomb

In John’s account of the resurrection, Simon Peter and “the other disciple” race to the tomb after being told that Jesus’ body is gone. The other disciple hesitates at the entrance, but Peter goes in to see for himself. The Empty Tomb, a painting by Presbyterian minister and artist John

Lives of the Desert Fathers

By “Desert Fathers” we mean the earliest Christian monks: Egyptian men (and some women) who chose to exchange life as it was lived in towns and villages for an austere existence in the desert, largely inspired by the example of Abba Antony of Egypt, ca 250-356. Shortly after Anthony died,

The Brighter Side of Lent

Lent is often perceived as a dark and solemn season. Common practices involve refraining from pleasures during these 40 days. What is forgotten about the season of Lent is that it is meant to cast light upon our Christian behaviour. The very word “Lent” means light. It is in reference

Small Church, Big Story

If you visit the tiny church on the Brokenhead Ojibwa Nation in March, you will find Doc Vezina stoking the big wood stove in preparation for the afternoon service. His wife, Marcella, will regale you with stories of the surrounding nations and their ancestors, as she prepares the music for

The Ancient Things We Do: Mothering Sunday

A reflection on Mothering Sunday. In churchland we maintain some remarkably odd practices. Take Mothering Sunday, for instance. An odd name for Mother’s Day, I presumed? Nope. Last week my priest buddy, less green and more intense than myself, sent me a text announcing that I needed to find the

Seeking Spiritual Direction

Some years ago, when I was facing a dark time in my life and feeling overwhelmed, I began meeting with a spiritual director. The pace of my life had left me feeling exhausted and began to sap the joy of living. Prayer seemed dry and unsatisfying, and I had begun

March Magazine 2015

This month’s magazine has a special focus on alternative ministry models. Read the entire thing below and share your comments, reflections and feedback right here.

The Burning Bush: Is the Ten Percent Tithe a Thing of the Past?

This month in the “Burning Bush”, two Rupert’s Landers share their opinions about the traditional tithe. We hear first from Sheila Welbergen, a parishioner at St. Luke’s, Winnipeg, and then from Tony Harwood-Jones, a retired priest. Sheila Welbergen writes that the traditional tithe should be reconsidered. We try to be

For Those Who Follow Jesus

In January 2014, the Winnipeg Free Press reported on a five year study undertaken by the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy at the University of Manitoba. This study examined data from 2008-2013, focusing on 1) the reasons for visits to physicians, 2) medications dispersed by pharmacists, and 3) hospital stays.


The Way of the Magi

To begin this issue, two more people share their Bethlehem Moments, and one person shares a poetic reflection on what Bethlehem Moments mean for us going forward out of Christmastide.

Then, The Reverend James Gomez provides a brief history of St. Paul’s (Middlechurch) in honour of their 200th anniversary.

Following this, The Right Reverend Donald Phillips challenges us all to think about how we talk about Jesus. Would each of us feel confident in our ability to describe Him and the meaning of His life and ministry?

Karen Bender then shares a bit about Downtown Neighbourhood Lunch, Inc., a wonderful ministry operating out of Holy Trinity which gives food and essential items to those in need.

Next, Diane Guilford writes on the rejuvenation of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP) — what it is, how it has been rejuvenated, and how you can become involved.

Then, Obren Amiesimaka writes on ringing in the new year, tackling hopes and fears, and what Christmastide can teach us about the meaning of trusting in the Lord.

Lastly, Durell Desmond shares his poem titled “The Plan” to send us forth into 2025.

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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