
Re-Invention for Worship: Intentionality, Instruction, Intensity, Inclusion

It’s tempting to begin this piece by claiming that its “brought to you by the letter I.” Levity aside, the challenge facing our Church to re-invent itself, and its worship in particular, is serious and complex. Employing music bands and video screens is no more effective than a person deciding

Relationship and Community for the New Year

While we mark the beginning of the liturgical year with candles and Advent songs of anticipation, the secular New Year arrives with more of a bang – countdowns, calendars, and champagne corks – and resolutions to re-invent ourselves. Fitness classes will be busier in January, and stores will promise an

January Magazine 2020

In this issue on Re-invention, we are looking at ways we can shake things up in the Church. Former bishop Don Phillips offers some thoughts on re-inventing worship, and Michelle Owens from the Centre for Christian Studies challenges us to re-invent our relationships. We will also follow up with the

Companion Parish Connections in Rupert’s Land and Uganda

The Diocese of Rupert’s Land and the Diocese of Central Buganda have had a “companion diocese” relationship for about 20 years – the most recent covenant covers the period 2017–2021. St. George’s, Crescentwood is partnered with the parish of All Martyrs, in Ndoddo, Uganda. Like all partner parishes, we pray

A Tale of Two Fields

This is a story about a pair of fields I used to know. The first field, or rather, a corner of this field, which sat on my dad’s land, was one I drove by every day growing up. On the South and East sides of this field was a gravel

Dickens and Turning Traditions

As we move into Advent, we move into a period of expectantly waiting for the feast of Christmas and the new year, when calendars turn over and a new decade begins. At saint benedict’s table, we save Christmas carols till the season of Christmas. Advent is a special season at

Lamentation and Dementia

They said he was born lucky. His body grew tall and strong, and he excelled in sports. His mind was quick, and he learned effortlessly. People liked him, and he progressed easily in business. He married his high school sweetheart and their children were their pride and joy. His business

December Magazine 2019

In December’s issue on Turnings and Yearnings, we’re exploring the balance between change and tradition, the turning of the old year into the new. Hannah Foulger writes about grief and changing traditions at Christmas through the lens of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and Ryan Turnbull extrapolates on some new

Introduction to Advent

He came with love to Bethlehem; He comes with grace into our souls; He will come with justice at the end of the world. –Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, Divine Intimacy Advent simply means “to come” (Latin: advenire, from ad – “to,” venire – “come”). Christians have traditionally set

‘Just Visiting’

At saint benedict’s table, we’re big on the season of Advent. That’s partly my doing, as Advent is the season I most treasure, but I’m far from the only person in our community who has come to love the season. We take care to emphasize the themes of expectation, preparedness,

Reddening in the Dark

I can remember only one glorious summer when my father decided to become a gardener. To fully appreciate this wondrous event you need to know something of my father. He is a Portuguese immigrant, who came to Canada claiming on his immigration forms that he was skilled to work on

Preparing the Table

As seen in Acts 6:1–6, the diaconal ministry has been deeply involved in the church since its earliest days. One of a deacon’s many roles was to help the bishop with distributing communion elements, with the bishop sharing the bread and the deacon sharing the wine. In the examination at

November Magazine 2019

Theo Robinson writes about the importance of the deacon’s role of preparing the table for Eucharist. Steve Bell offers a reflection on Advent as a season of active preparation. And Jamie Howison writes about getting ready to receive those parishioners who only visit at Christmas. In via media, Kirsten Pinto

Christian Veganism?

To paraphrase St. Paul, I have no commandment from the Lord on this topic, but I give my opinion. Christian veganism makes sense to me, and I am deliberate in my choice of adjective here. I am vegan because I am Christian. My diet is an outworking of my faith,

Rogation Service Celebrates Growing Hope

We drove southwest from Winnipeg along highways and country roads, along fields green with spring planting. After about two hours, the endlessly flat eastern prairie vista opened suddenly below us to reveal the Pembina River Valley. There, nestled at the bottom was our destination, was the small white church of

Thinking about the National Inquiry’s Report on MMIWG

How do we approach this document as the Church? Over the course of the summer, a group of 10–15 people from a variety of denominations met at Saint Paul’s, Fort Garry to discuss the recently published, 1,200-page document, Reclaiming Power and Place, the Report of the National Inquiry on Missing

October Magazine 2019

In October’s issue, we’re not only exploring the harvest, but what we do with it. In a spread about the Agricultural Church Year, Suzanne Rumsey from PWRDF details the Rogation service she attended at St. Luke’s, Pembina Crossing in June and Chris Lea explains what Rogation means to him. Micheal

Diversity is a Strength: An Interview with Gail Schnabl

Gail Schnabl is the Diocesan Refugee Coordinator. I had the chance to sit down with her and ask some questions about refugee work in Rupert’s Land. – KN Can you tell me about the refugee work of the diocese? How long have you been involved and what is your role?



We start this month’s issue off with an article from the Rev. Theo Robinson on the resolution at General Synod on Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys for Gender Transition and Affirmation. This article explores the context leading up to the resolution and the good news of the Anglican Church of Canada becoming the first in the worldwide communion of Anglican Churches to have a pastoral liturgy for gender transition.

Next, the Rev. Dixie Bird describes the experiences and teachings shared at Sacred Beginnings. Sacred Beginnings is an embryo of Sacred Circle for youth to learn traditional teachings and get involved in the work being done by Indigenous Anglicans and just had its second gathering in May this year.

The Rev. Alan Hayes reflects on the 1963 Anglican Congress in Toronto which was a turning point in Anglican history and began significant conversations about decolonization and the Anglican Church’s relationship with the British empire. A recent conference marking 60 years since this congress has brought forward reflections on what has changed in the Anglican church in the intervening years.

A note from Refugee Coordinator Marlene Smith invites you to the diocese’s marking of World Refugee Day on June 23rd at Epiphany Indigenous Church. This day is meant as an invitation to “welcome the stranger” and calls us to explore the relationship between moving towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supporting those displaced by war abroad.

Robyn Sulkko of the PWRDF youth council announces their 12 month Youth to Youth program which provides opportunities for people ages 12-16 to learn about each other’s cultures and build right relationships with each other.

Finally, a parish profile on St. Michael and All Angels’ explores how that community’s unique Anglo-Catholic worship connects with both retired clergy and congregants in their 20s all looking to worship with all the senses in a context outside of the business of daily life.

I hope you enjoy this month’s articles.


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