November 2023: All Souls
In this month’s issue, Bishop Geoffery Woodcroft writes about discipleship that extends beyond the walls of church buildings. As the institution of the church changes and is in a period of decline, we must continue to go about our work with grace, carrying out the love of God to all

Parish Profile: St. Matthew’s Anglican Church
St. Matthew’s Anglican Church How does your church community understand “place”? We are located in the West End neighbourhood of Winnipeg, Manitoba on Treaty One territory. Our location is significant to our identity as our church has been shaped by our surrounding community. In the 1950s and 60s

Honouring Legacies of Black Anglicans in the ACC
Header Photo: Maud Slats This article is a continuation of the feature “Dismantling Anti-Black Racism: An Interview with Black Anglicans of Canada, Diocese of Rupert’s Land Chapter” published in RLN’s September Issue. Interview conducted by: Jude Claude and Misha Pensato Black Anglican Experiences Given the many instances of anti-blackness

Reconsidering What is Sacred
Image: Jonathan Dyck This reflection was given by pastor and theologian David Driedger as the opening remarks for an event titled Which Violence, Whose Safety? hosted by First Mennonite Church. The event was a non-partisan discussion of the political rhetoric around “violent crime” in the lead up to the recent

October 2023: Harvests
A harvest is both a celebration of our work and a promise for the coming season – that even through the dead of winter, there will be enough. In this month’s issue, Bishop Geoff explores the radical hope expressed in the passover story in Exodus, comparing this to other readings

Anglican Journey
Image: Kentaro Toma By: Mark Friesen I was raised in an evangelical Mennonite church in Winnipeg, and in my teen years made this faith my own. This included being baptized in the church and being active in its youth group. This commitment continued into my adult life although at a

Dismantling Anti-Black Racism in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land
Header Photo: Shreyas Kakad This is an incomplete segment of an ongoing piece on the Black Anglicans of Rupert’s Land, Diocese of Rupertsland chapter and its members. October’s issue will continue this article. Interview conducted by: Jude Claude and Misha Pensato The Anglican church became a global church in

September 2023: Fruits of the Spirit
What would a society based on the fruits of the spirit look like? What kind of vulnerability and courage would it take to let go of our selfishness, fears, and jealousy? In this month’s Community Catechesis section, drawn from discussions at A Rocha Canada and St Margaret’s Anglican Church’s Be

What Do You Believe?: Prison Abolition and the Quaker Tradition
Header Photo: Markus Spiske By: John Samson Fellows An earlier version of this article was originally published in Quaker Concern by Canadian Friends Service Committee. It has been updated and republished here with permission. The question “What do you believe?” is a challenge for an unprogrammed Quaker like me to

Is the Earth Cursed?
By Deanna Zantingh The text of this article is drawn from a roundtable session of A Rocha Canada and St. Margaret’s Anglican Church’s Be Not Afraid/Consider the Liliesconference. An audio recording of this session can be found here. I stumbled on a publication this week that a former professor of