
Winnipegger Andrea Shalay Flees Ukraine

In August of 2021, Andrea Shalay relocated to Zaporizhia, Ukraine to begin a new position with Mennonite Central Committee as their new Peace Engagement Coordinator for Europe. At the time, the country seemed relatively stable, but also a good location to set out on new adventures. Little did she know,

April Magazine 2022

For April’s issue, we’re featuring stories of refugees—those who have fled their homes due to conflict and persecution. Sheri Blaylock, a member of the Portage & Area Refugee Coalition, writes about the sponsorship journey of a Syrian family, who landed at Richardson International Airport on December 8, 2021. But first, RLN

Call to Prayer — February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022 The news of violent and hostile military action against Ukraine today reveals the fragility of the peace on which the health of the human family depends. The images of war and fear are only part of the evidence that this beautiful planet is under threat by the


Bethlehem Moments

This is a special edition of Rupert’s Land News. In this issue, people from across the Diocese have submitted their Bethlehem Moments. As we enter the seasons of Advent and await the coming of Christ, we once again listen to and learn from the story of the Nativity — the first of many times the world encountered Jesus and was forever changed by His presence. Hearing the story of the Nativity again gives us the opportunity to reflect on the moments when we recognized the presence of God in our own lives — our Bethlehem Moments.

In every moment of our lives, through thick and thin, God is with us and He loves us. This is why He is our Emmanuel. With the arrival of Christmas Day, we celebrate Christ’s body — His coming into the world as fully divine, and now, fully human. Together, we live our stories. Together, we welcome our Saviour. Together, we celebrate the Body of Christ as the Body of Christ.

Peace be with you, and Merry Christmas.

Read and download the December issue here.

Access a printer-friendly version here.

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