Faith Horizons 2015

Representatives from parishes across the Diocese gathered in Winnipeg on October 16-17 for Faith Horizons, held biannually between diocesan synods. This year’s speaker was Kevin Lamoureux, Professor of Education at the University of Winnipeg. Kevin, who is half Ukrainian and half Ojibwe, was raised for much of his life in a French-Metis family and knows first hand the challenges of intersecting Indigenous and non-Indigenous cultures with faith. He spoke to the crowd on Friday evening and Saturday about deconstructing “otherness”, whereby we learn to humanize those we categorize as “other” through the building of mutual respect and relationship. “Nothing we do in our faith communities is neutral,” he told those in attendance. “Everything we do is bound up in a perspective.”
The leftover food from the event was taken to the Salvation Army Booth Centre, where folks were excited to get such a variety of food.

The crowd on Friday evening at Canad Inns listens to Kevin tell stories of otherness.

Kevin is a gifted storyteller.

The worship leaders on Saturday led the crowd in a beautiful chant with only drums and voices.

Elder Barbara Shoomski prepares the sage, sweetgrass, tobacco, and cedar for the smudge.

Barbara explains how the smudge ceremony was taught to her.

Fletcher Stewart, who spent many years of ministry in the North, smudges himself at the ceremony on Saturday.
Fletcher Stewart, who spent many years of ministry in the North, smudges himself at the ceremony on Saturday.

A group from St. Clements’, Mapleton, and Good Shepherd, Winnipeg, enjoy one another’s company over lunch.

A group from St. Paul’s, Fort Garry, and St. Matthew’s, Winnipeg, enjoy getting to know one another better.

Vincent Solomon shares the smudge with the waiting crowd, fanning the four sacred medicines with a feather.
Vincent Solomon shares the smudge with the waiting crowd, fanning the four sacred medicines with a feather.

Nearly the entire Saturday crowd gathered for a smudge ceremony at lunchtime.
Nearly the entire Saturday crowd gathered for a smudge ceremony at lunchtime.

Helen Kennedy smudges herself to open her ears, eyes, mind, and heart.
Helen Kennedy smudges herself to open her ears, eyes, mind, and heart.

The new gathering space at Maples Collegiate was packed on Saturday.

Tireless organizers Gary and Helen share a laugh with Bishop Don.
Tireless organizers Gary and Helen share a laugh with Bishop Don.

A group of St. Chad's, Winnipeg, parishioners discusses what "otherness" looks like in their own community.
A group of St. Chad’s, Winnipeg, parishioners discusses what “otherness” looks like in their own community.



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