February Magazine 2018

February’s issue of Rupert’s Land News is on “Expressions of Anglicanism.” Rupert’s Land is uniquely situated with a diverse number of parishes; this issue will explore what unites us as Anglicans, but also celebrates our differences.
Also included is a short reflection for Lent and a via media piece on what the Gospel of Mark can teach us about living with difficult questions and uncertainty.
Download the pdf or read it in Issuu below.


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June Issue: Generations

We start this month’s issue off with an article from the Rev. Theo Robinson on the resolution at General Synod on Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys ...

From Rupert’s Land to Northern Lights: A New Name for Canadian Anglicans

By Iain Luke – Prolocutor of The Ecclesiastical Province of the Northern Lights Originally Published by the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton   What is an ...

Why Refugee Sunday?

Photo: Annie Spratt   By: Marlene Smith Earlier this year the Primate, Archbishop Linda Nicholls, issued an invitation to dioceses and parishes across the country ...
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