Anglican Foundation Press Release

AFC awards $337,000 in April 2018 grant cycle
May 24, 2018, Quebec City, QC.—The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) has announced $337,000 in grants in support of new projects across Canada in its April cycle of awards. AFC’s board of directors met in Quebec City on May 23 & 24, 2018 to set its strategic direction and to award grants to over 60 applicants across Canada.
“Canadian Anglicans are truly engaged in some very imaginative and creative expressions of faith all across this great country of ours,” said the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois, AFC’s executive director. “We are seeing such a diversity in applications and proposals that manifest imagination and ingenuity,” she said.
In addition to infrastructure and restoration grants of $118,000, AFC provided $80,000 for innovative ministry projects, $36,000 for theological education bursaries, $15,000 for church music, $13,000 for Indigenous students studying for ministry, $10,000 for sacred and liturgical arts, and $16,000 for theological formation projects.
From coast to coast to coast, the donations of Canadian Anglicans are making it possible to fund ministry of all kinds: new liturgies, youth leadership formation, public witness events, Indigenous language preservation and instruction, liturgical textile arts, summer camps for Syrian refugee children and for youth involved in environmental justice, and significant infrastructure repairs and restorations to parishes across Canada.
About the Anglican Foundation of Canada
The Anglican Foundation of Canada seeks to foster Anglican presence by providing abundant resources for innovative ministry and diverse infrastructure projects and theological formation throughout the Canadian church. Leading the way in resourceful ministry since 1957, AFC has benefitted every diocese, hundreds of parishes, and thousands of Canadian Anglicans with the provision of financial support from coast to coast to coast.


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