Anglican Grow Hope Rogation Service

On Sunday June 3, almost 200 people gathered at St. Luke’s Pembina Crossing Church for a rogation service celebrating the first ever Rupert’s Land Anglican Grow Hope project. The service was held in a tent outside the church building, with displays from Canadian Foodgrains Bank and the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. Chris Lea began the service by sharing thanks for the commitment of those supporting the project. His two goals for the project are “to bring urban and rural parishes together” and “to help feed the hungry around the world.” Cathy Campbell also gave the sermon, highlighting how fitting it was that the people were gathered on ground, “touching the very earth that will bring forth the crops that will feed the hungry.”
Lunch was enthusiastically consumed by all, with generous helpings of salads, hamburgers, hotdogs, and desserts, all made by the Lea family as a thank you for supporting the Anglican Grow Hope project. After lunch, those in attendance had the opportunity to view the fields, the farm equipment used, and see a cow and her calf, plus some very patient puppies (who were a hit with the children).

Chris, Leianne, and Jonathan Lea are the generous farming family that is growing the crop for the Anglican Grow Hope project in Manitoba. They donated 15 acres of their farmland to Grow Hope, plus their time, farming expertise, and equipment to grow the crop. When you sponsor one of 15 acres of the Grow Hope project, the proceeds help end hunger. Donations to the project cover the cost of planting and harvesting the 15 acres. The cost to raise an acre of wheat is approximately $300. When the wheat is sold, the Lea family is expecting to sell the crop for anywhere from $400 to $450 per acre.
The Anglican Grow Hope project offers a unique opportunity to multiply your donations through matching federal government funds through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Matching funds could triple or quadruple donations collected through the Anglican Grow Hope Project. We are grateful for the support of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Rupert’s Land, its parish churches, as well as individuals who have come together to support this first-ever crop growing project for Rupert’s Land. Your support of this project multiplies your donation to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund.
For more information on the project as it unfolds, follow the Rupert’s Land PWRDF page on Facebook. – Tanis Thiessen


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