Anglican Grow Hope

Anglican Grow Hope is a Diocesan initiative to support PWRDF’s work through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. It has three purposes:

  • To grow a crop in Canada to create revenue for the alleviation of hunger around the world through Canadian Foodgrains Bank and its member, PWRDF.
  • To engage urban non-farming individuals, families, churches and groups in the farming process and in the alleviation of hunger in the world by inviting them to provide funds to cover the input costs of raising a crop in Canada.
  • For non-farmers to learn about farming and food production in Canada, about the challenges of food production and about the people whose lives and health depend on food relief and/or food related development projects.

This project will generate understanding and much needed funds for PWRDF’s work through the Canadian Foodgrains Bank around the world, and, perhaps more importantly, it will help grow and strengthen relationships among us right here in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. The Diocesan Council endorsed this project and commended it to parishes to consider participating.
For more information, take a look through this Power Point presentation. We’ll provide more details as they become available.


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