Sara Krahn



January Magazine 2019

January’s issue is on Mysticism. Andrew Rampton explores the mystery of our liturgy and the Eucharist; Diane Lee-Olenic talks about how the Gospels can shed some

A House of Common Prayer

The main worship space of a typical Anglican church comprises a nave, a chancel, and a sanctuary. The nave is the largest part of the

The Night Before the Pageant

Costumes draped over chairs: white tunics for angels, brown or striped for prophets, peasants, shepherds. Feathers and fake fur to dress creation’s extravagant parade. Blue

Solidarity Along the Way

The museum attendant watched me quietly as I shuffled slowly from artifact to artifact before she gestured and asked, “Peregrina?” “Si.” Even on a rest

Youth Camino Pilgrimage

A small group of senior youth from St. Margaret’s Anglican will be walking the Camino in the spring, documenting their experience along the way. In

Sacred Space and Reconciliation

Healing takes a lot of courage for an individual person to learn to forgive and to move forward from life’s hurtful experiences. Creator, the Spiritual

December Magazine 2018

December’s issue explores Sacred Space. We’ll hear from Elder Sylvia James on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and Graham MacFarlane on the design of Anglican church buildings. We also have

Through all Ages and Cultures

The Church is the family of God, the body of Christ, and the temple of the Holy Spirit. – The Book of Alternative Services. Most

Restoring What was Once Broken

Every now and then I catch a glimpse of the TV program Antique Roadshow and am always amazed at the historic items that appear to

Consequences that Heal

As the head of an organization that supports men in the justice system, I spend a lot of time observing or reading about criminal trials.

Difficult Questions

I first read Nietzsche’s On the Genealogy of Morality as an undergrad. I return to that book every few years, as it remains for me

November Magazine 2018

November’s issue explores Restorative Justice as a follow-up to October. We’ll take a look at how Restorative Justice works in both Canada’s correctional system and

Interview with Julie Collings

Julie Collings is a retired priest who has served for many years as a volunteer in both the Remand Centre and the Women’s Correction Centre.

Update on the Kasaka Water Project

In June 2018, we ran a story about the Kasaka Water Project, a new program designed to provide clean water to our sister Dioecese of Central

Simple Actions Make Change

I remember exactly where I was when the news of Errol Greene’s death hit the news in 2016. He was a 26-year-old inmate of the

October Magazine 2018

October’s issue explores Criminal Justice. With an article from Hannah Foulger, about the death of Errol Greene at the Remand Centre, and an interview with

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