Sara Krahn



Anglicans and Lutherans in God’s Neighbourhoods

Missional theologian and leadership writer Alan Roxburgh was in Rupert’s Land this September, leading Anglicans and Lutherans in planning a lay-led, neighbourhood-based discernment project. “Anglicans

Chasing After 1JustCity

You’ve heard the term “together is better” and you’ve likely read Ecclesiastes: “a three-strand chord cannot be broken”. Over the past two years, a group

RLN is Hiring a New Editor

The Diocese of Rupert’s Land is looking for a creative individual with exceptional written communication skills to take on the role of Editor and Social

Farming God’s Way in Kenya

When we arrived at Jane Manjiku’s farm in Kambiti, Kenya, she invited us to take a bit of soil in our hands and join her

Complex Trauma in the Inner City

Grief, loss, and trauma have a major impact on our life journeys. The effects of violence and  chronic poverty contribute to the complex traumas often

September Magazine 2016

It’s September and RLN is back, with a particular focus on community outreach and development. This month, read about the effects of complex trauma on

East Beaches Priest Retires

For the past decade, two parishes in the East Beaches region have had the opportunity to experience a parish priest like no other. Judy Whitmore’s

Rupert’s Land at General Synod 2016

Nine Rupert’s Landers had the opportunity to join Anglicans from across the country at the 2016 General Synod in Toronto over the past week. Our

EFM on the horizon

Registrations are now being accepted for the next Education for Ministry (EFM) course, beginning in September. EFM is followed by Anglicans in the UK, Australia,

Will Heaven be Boring?

In a Gary Larson Far Side cartoon, a man in heaven sits on a cloud wishing he brought a magazine. The heaven of pop-culture cliché

Bishop’s Response to Orlando Shootings

Reflection on the Orlando Massacre Early Sunday morning, June 12, a lone gunman murdered 49 persons and injured many others at a nightclub in Orlando. 

The Jesus Way and Basic Income

Christ taught in a community struggling to live a renewed set of values rooted in an old gospel. He stood for a culture of loving

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