Bishop’s Directive on COVID 19 – Code Red – November 11, 2020

November 11, 2020

To All Disciples of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.

Dear friends in Christ,

Greetings in Jesus Christ, the One who leads us in extraordinary and liminal time.

In keeping with the directives set forth by the Province of Manitoba, as of November 12, 2020 all in-person worship and gatherings are suspended until further notice. Notably, however, the Provincial Government directive makes provision for faith communities to conduct weddings and funerals, with those gathered and participating to not exceed 5 persons in attendance plus an officiant.

The Provincial Government expects that faith communities will continue, resume, or initiate the use of virtual worship and gatherings. A maximum of 5 persons, physically distanced, and wearing masks is permissible for the production of virtual worship. We will continue our present practices of sanitizing surfaces before and after use of space, and frequently washing our hands and face. We remain in a posture of no group singing.

Ontario Communities, please continue to observe the directives and protocols for your region, as you have faithfully done so since March of this year. Many of you have adapted very well, albeit in isolation and uncertainty, and your Manitoba brothers and sisters hold you in prayer every day.

Most importantly, I encourage you all to connect:

· with God in daily prayer,

· by calling, emailing and texting to your sisters and brothers in Christ, neighbours, and family, do this often and let people know that they are loved and remembered,

· join your community’s virtual activities, or join our diocesan worship, Live at 935 at 10 a.m. Sunday mornings:

· as ever possible keep your monetary gifts for ministry (offering) up to date

· and at all times tell how the kingdom of God has come near.

May God continue to bless and sustain you for the work of ministry and mission. We are the eyes, ears, voice, and hands of Jesus in God’s beautiful world.

Yours in Christ,

The Rt Rev. Geoffrey JJ Woodcroft

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