Bishop’s update on same-sex marriage in Rupert’s Land

It is my hope that this brief pastoral update will be helpful to members of ourBishop-Donald-Phillips diocese. Since the communication from the House of Bishops and the response from the Council of General Synod regarding the proposed change to the marriage canon back in March, 2016, I have noted both the interest and concern around how I view same-sex marriage in our diocese, as well as the confusion and anxiety about what my approach to same-sex marriage might be.
Through continued prayer, listening to many voices, studying the Commission’s report, This Holy Estate, and much conversation, I am able to offer the following, hopefully straightforward, statement:
I am convinced that the time has come for the provision for same-sex marriages in Rupert’s Land to become reality. I am committed to working toward making that happen both as soon as responsibly possible, and in a grace-filled manner that minimizes the impact for those who struggle with this issue – both within and beyond our diocese.
How this needs to take place is yet to be determined and it is important that I, our other delegates to General Synod, and all of the members of our diocese, remain open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in discerning that path.
Yours in Christ,
Donald Phillips                                                                                                      Bishop of Rupert’s Land


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