
Into the Silence: a look at Quaker worship

“Worship is our response to an awareness of God. We can worship alone, but when we join with others in expectant waiting we may discover a deeper sense of God’s presence. We seek a gathered stillness in our meetings for worship so that all may feel the power of God’s love drawing us

Will Heaven be Boring?

In a Gary Larson Far Side cartoon, a man in heaven sits on a cloud wishing he brought a magazine. The heaven of pop-culture cliché — white robes, angel wings, pearly gates, harps — tends to assume a complete break with present experience, with no sign of the material world

The Jesus Way and Basic Income

Christ taught in a community struggling to live a renewed set of values rooted in an old gospel. He stood for a culture of loving engagement and mutual support, living within but rising above the profanity of power and brutality that was ancient Jerusalem. It was a community where brother

The Daily Examen: waking the conscious sleeper

“The majority of people are sound asleep more than half the time!” So complained the famous American writer Henry David Thoreau in his bookWalden, published in 1850 but perhaps even more relevant in 2016. Thoreau built a cabin on the shores of Walden Pond in beautiful rural Massachusetts and lived

June Magazine 2016

This issue includes two articles on a Christian approach to money: one on the concept of basic income and the other taking a look at debt. The second article in our prayer series takes a look at the daily examen and the practice of mindfulness. In the via media column,

Father Henry: the surprising journey of a (not so) new Canadian

Henry Falkner walked into Holy Trinity Church in downtown Winnipeg his first Sunday in Canada and he hasn’t looked back for 27 years. It wasn’t long before his infectious smile and positive attitude landed him in the role of verger and caretaker of the space. Like many newcomers to Canada,

Connecting to a Global Church

Cultural Expressions of Christianity and the Anglican “Bonds of Affection” In January, my parish priest and another member of our parish church accompanied Bishop Phillips and others on a ten day visit to Uganda. More than one eyebrow was raised at the expense and time required for such a journey, wondering

Culturally Rooted Expressions of Church

It is not always easy for one to leave their place of origin and culture, but there are many reasons why people need to immigrate to another country, such as safety and economic security. Like many other immigrants, members of Emmanuel Mission (the South Sudanese Dinka congregation) left their country of

Legalizing Marijuana: trial or triumph?

The Burning Bush is a semi-regular column which features debates and discussions on current issues in culture and media and suggested ways for Christians to engage them through the lens of faith. New article ideas are always welcome. In Favour: Kalyn Falk and Ro Walker Mills are part of the community of

May Magazine 2016

This month’s magazine takes a look at cross-cultural ministry from a variety of angles: Are culturally-specific congregations a good idea? How do we connect in the Church across cultures, both locally and around the world? How have the Church’s historical ties to colonialism created additional challenges for doing this, and

Seeking Maori Ora

They came by the thousands from around the world seeking Maori Ora (life force, a positive state of being, vitality). The seventh gathering of Healing Our Spirit Worldwide was held in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Indigenous peoples have traveled the world in search of common healing since the first gathering in

The Art of Seeing

Last summer, I was visiting family in Cleveland and visited an exhibit called “Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse.” Travelling through the exhibit was like a pilgrimage through garden after garden of spectacular beauty. The ability of the French Impressionists of the 19th century to see, and to capture

Visiting the Gurdwara

Polly Pashu The word “Sikh” evolved from the Sanskrit term Shishe, which means “disciple”. Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that was founded by Guru Nanak in Punjab, India. Guru Nanak was born on April 15, 1469 in the village of Talwandi, located in what is now western Pakistan. Guru Nanak was a

April Magazine 2016

Christ is risen! This month’s magazine has a focus on resurrection life. Read about one priest’s exploration of self-determination among the Mauri in New Zealand, an Anglican sister’s experience of “slow prayer,” a Winnipegger’s story of being Sikh in Canada, and one woman’s hesitance at leaving the uncertainty of Lent

What the Vultures Know

For years, I loved Lent and Holy Week, yet dreaded Easter. Once, I named a homily “I Hate Easter.” The problem for me was that Easter rang false; it was a premature “all’s well” after the facing of Hell. The problem was not with Resurrection, but with the way our

Seeing God through the Eyes of a Child

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matt.

Four Kinds of Leaders for Four Seasons of Church

Leadership comes in many shapes and sizes — not just one. And different situations call for different styles of leadership. So what types of leader does the Church need right now?  1. The Traditional Pastor Traditional, healthy churches need leaders who can preach and teach, train and give pastoral care,

Moving Toward a Missional Model of Church

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and to be part of the Church in today’s society? I suspect Christians have been asking that question for two millennia, and today’s Christians are no different. What is different for today’s people are the answers, renewing a focus


Ora et Labora

In this issue, Dr. Obren Amiesimaka begins by looking at The Rule of St. Benedict and explains what work and prayer are. Ultimately, he says, it is a balance of the two that leads to a healthy spiritual life.

Following this, Sr. Mary Coswin writes on how our desires and longings will lead us to the Lord. When we pray, we make the decision to actively seek the One who has sought us all along. She quotes St. Augustine’s Confessions, “You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

Inspired by the Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, Ryan Turnbull presents the idea that we structure our lives based on what we can and should be doing. But that sometimes, and perhaps more often than we may think, doing things that may seem “useless” is what we need to take a deep breath and delight in the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Then, Zoe Matties invites us to practice the Sabbath in ways we may not have initially thought of. On the seventh day of creation, God delighted in what He had made. As such, we are also called to slow down, re-orient ourselves, and delight in what God has made.

Finally, I am grateful that I got a chance to meet with our new diocesan PWRDF representative, The Rev. Deacon Gabriel Kwenga (who goes by Kwenga). A man with infectious joy and perseverance who is dedicated to serving God and God’s people every day in his work and prayer.

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.


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