
December Magazine 2021

December’s issue is all about the revelatory nature of music. Our contributors write about their love for music during the holiday season, as well as the larger role music plays in the Anglican Church throughout its history and into the present day. In our opening feature, Charles Garinger reflects on

Following Life

Several things might drive us to consider our life in the church. We might grow out of childhood and need to find our own way in faith. We might have doubts. We might find ourselves unhappy and disenchanted with the church or its programs. We might feel lonely and out

PWRDF Refugee Network moves heaven and earth

refugee (noun) a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster (Oxford English Dictionary); someone who is unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion,

Choosing to Stay

I met God on the flat prairie of central Saskatchewan. As a teenager, I would ride my bike from my parent’s farm to the top of the nearest “hill” at sunset and view three hundred and sixty unbroken degrees of prairie landscape. My instinctive response was an awareness of God

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Over the last 13 years, I’ve often been asked, “Why the Anglican church?” It’s a question that has arisen as I’ve made a return to church life, discerned a path to ordination, and, ultimately, been ordained into the priesthood. As I venture through various points in my life, I routinely

November Magazine 2021

November’s issue is devoted to the stories of people who have felt called to the church—those who have chosen to stay. In our first feature, Theo Robinson gives a testimony of his journey towards becoming one of Canada’s first transgender priests in the Anglican Church. Lynda Wolf writes about her first encounters

Some Thoughts on Northern Foodways

Whenever I tell people that I have worked among Inuit for sustained periods, I am inevitably asked, “Do Inuit really eat their meat raw?” The answer is a qualified yes. First, eating raw meat (mikigiaq) is part of a much broader system of cuisine. Unlike most peoples in the world,

Food, Power, and Personhood

There is a scene in the book of Acts where certain members of the community complain because their widows are neglected in the distribution of food. To ensure fairness, the Apostles appoint seven men to oversee the distribution. This passage, often interpreted as the first appointing of deacons, connects the

All Are Welcome at the Banquet Table

The following article is a revised version of a sermon given by Cathy Campbell in July 2021.  This summer, the Revised Common Lectionary focused five Sunday gospel readings on John Chapter Six. The readings invited us to reflect on both physical and spiritual matters surrounding food. We started with attention

Healing Harvest: Amanda Wallin Shares Bounty of Knowledge

Amanda Wallin has two names. The first is her birth name. The second is Black Cloud Woman, given to her when she was 25 at a sweat lodge ceremony in a place called Spirit Island. “I was told I was part of the Bear Clan and that my name was

October Magazine 2021

October’s issue is all about food. From farming and harvesting, to preparation, to mealtime. We eat food to survive, but also to experience pleasure and comfort. Food has the power to make us feel whole and alive in ourselves, and when we share it, whole and alive with each other. For

The Wistful Wisdom of Lucy Dacus

Like many adolescents with an appetite for angst and idealism, I documented my teenage years with a diary. My diary included confessional material such as grievances with my sisters, lamentations over crushes, and my frustrations about being a benchwarmer on the varsity soccer team. It would be nothing short of

Who is Our New Archivist? An Interview with Krystal Payne

The Diocese of Rupert’s Land hired Krystal Payne as the new Archivist back in Spring 2021. I was delighted to be able to get to know her a little bit over a Zoom chat we had back in May. – SK   Hello Krystal! Thank you so much for meeting

Embodied Worship & New Media

Ahead of Sunday, March 21, 2020, the call went out from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) National Office for photos of adapted worship spaces. It was the first Sunday that nearly every church was suspending in-person gatherings. The week prior on March 15th, I had used a small

September Magazine 2021

As churches begin to reopen, how does new technology fit into the life of the Church? How will digital devices and the virtual world shape our worship in a post-pandemic future? In September’s issue of RLN, we’re exploring these questions. Erik Parker, the pastor of Sherwood Park Lutheran Church, writes

RLN Podcast Hub

Welcome to the RLN Podcast Hub, your platform for discovering fascinating and topical podcasts in Rupert’s Land and beyond! Our platform represents those podcasts that are exploring the intersections of faith, religion, culture, and politics. Each week we feature the Editor’s Pick of the Week, featuring a podcast episode offering

Bishop’s Directive – August 5, 2021

Parish Corporations of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land COVID-19 restrictions upon in-person Worship and Gatherings Greetings in God, who is our hope and our salvation! How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down upon the


Lux et Origo

Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer begins this issue with an exploration of light — light as the source of creation, light as the Good, light as the glorious love of the Holy Trinity. She writes, “the creation story teaches us that the promise in the midst of the dark is not only that the light will come again, but that light is always present. All that is has light as its substance and ground. Light is here, in the dark, in the fabric of everything. And this light is the glory of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons and one God held in unity by the life of love.”

Then, the Ven. Simon Blaikie writes on what he learned on a recent trip to Holy Island. He reminds us that we are all called to draw ever closer to the Lord, and that we experience the mystical presence of God in silence, stillness, and witnessing God’s beautiful creation. We must remember, he says, that “the Divine mystery lives within every human being…”.

Following this, Cinna Baran writes on the idea that God is Nothingness — a paradoxical idea put forth in one of Meister Eckhart’s sermons. His article explores what this concept means, how it is not contradictory to the Christian faith, and how Paul experienced this when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Durell Desmond concludes this issue with a poem titled “Shadow and Light.”

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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