December Magazine 2022


In this month’s issue:

Tapji Garba writes in the “Community Catechesis” section about how grace functions as “gift” in the writings of Paul.

Next, in “A Sponsorship Connection for Advent: A Family in Venezuela,” Gwen McAllister discusses her long-term, cross-continent friendship with Henry Gómez, and outlines ways our diocese can contribute to the well-being of Henry and his family. This article is supplemented by a piece from Henry Gómez about the present economic situation in Venezuela.

In “Sitting with Synod,” Theo Robinson, Rachel Twigg, and Chris Salstrom reflect on the gifts of Synod 2022 for those who gathered, memorable moments from the event, and possible areas of improvement for future gatherings.

Next, Jamie Howison discusses Howison discusses renowned artist Makoto Fujimura’s time at saint benedict’s table and what those within st ben’s community learned from him about art and faith as gifts for the world. 

Finally, readers are introduced to the gifts of St. Alban’s Cathedral in Kenora, Ontario (Treaty 3) in this month’s “Parish Profile” section. 

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