EFM on the horizon


Registrations are now being accepted for the next Education for Ministry (EFM) course, beginning in September.

EFM is followed by Anglicans in the UK, Australia, USA, and Canada. It comes from The University of the South. Groups must be 6-12 people. There are four years and all years meet together. There is a richness and depth to this method.

People who have completed the course say things like:

“My understanding has deepened and I enjoy the Scripture lessons in service more.”

“My confidence to express my faith is greater.”

”The transformation from a beginner (just Sunday school lessons) to a mature Christian has been a rich thing to experience.”

“The framework to discuss issues expanded belief and understanding.”

“My sense of vocation has been affirmed.”

”I have a language to express my faith and spiritual life.”

The first year of EFM looks at the Old Testament. The second year studies the New Testament, year three is Church history, and year four is theology. Students are responsible for learning and studying their own year’s material and come prepared to share in class. There are mentors to guide and prod, but not to teach in a top-down sort of way. The second half of each session is given to a lesson, resulting in rich and challenging discussion.

The year runs from September to May, usually with a weekly meeting of about two and a half hours. Each year costs $350 and the cost of the books. By the end of four years, students have a small library of source materials.

For more information or to register, visit http://www.efmcanada.ca/ or contact our local EFM coordinator, Susan Roe-Finlay, at [email protected] or (204) 783-3357.


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