Friends of the Emmanuel Mission Winnipeg have joined forces with the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) Say Yes! to Kids campaign to help raise money for an ambitious new program of support for a pandemic-impacted generation.
Say Yes! to Kids is AFC’s response to concerns about COVID-19’s impact on young people. This national campaign is meant to have local impact by raising $100,000 to support champions for children, youth, and family ministry. “With everyone’s help,” says Susan Suppes, AFC Board Member from the Diocese of Rupert’s Land, and an early supporter of the team fundraiser, “we can mobilize the church for a courageous, creative, and compassionate response and to benefit ministries right here in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.”
In Winnipeg, the Friends of Emmanuel Mission are Saying Yes! to Kids by rallying support for the Emmanuel Mission Summer Learning Program. This volunteer-led day camp, started in 2014, serves close to 100 South Sudanese and Dinka children and their families each year. The camp’s program of enrichment includes tutoring, math and language supplements, teamwork, sports, singing, field trips and more. The Diocese of Rupert’s Land has a strong history of providing grants in support of this program through Youth Ministry funds.

“The donors I have talked with understand the importance of helping children in our communities,” says Suppes, “Those of us supporting the campaign feel this is our way of building a better, more compassionate world. The Say Yes to Kids campaign is a step in the right direction.”
To date there are close to ten Say Yes! to Kids fundraising teams registered, championed by Bishops, Diocesan Staff, AFC’s Diocesan Representatives, and individuals who are passionate about ministry and outreach to young people. Just as with Friends of the Emmanuel Mission Winnipeg, many diocesan teams are identifying specific ministries they hope will benefit from the campaign once the funding stream begins to flow later this year.
“In our meetings across the country, we are seeing the emergence of a national story about outreach to children and youth,” says The Ven. Peter Wall, Gift Consultant, AFC. “It’s a story about compassion in the face of crisis. There are tireless champions for young people across the Canadian church who have been undeterred by the pandemic. They know exactly where and how new investments can be used to make an impact.”
Since 2011, and the launch of the Kids Helping Kids Fund, AFC has invested over $1 Million in ministries that benefit children, youth, and young adults in Canada. AFC will rely on the strength of its granting program to quickly turnaround Say Yes! to Kids campaign proceeds by funding a Request for Proposals (RFP) for youth-focused initiatives in fall 2021.
Say Yes! to Kids launched on April 6 and will run until June 30. Please visit and join the Friends of Emmanuel Mission Winnipeg fundraising team or make a direct donation to support their efforts.