St. Matthew’s Consecration & Ordination

After many months of dreaming, praying, and waiting amidst drywall dust, St. Matthew’s has a new worship space! Gwen McAllister was ordained to the transitional diaconate on Monday in a ceremony which consecrated the new worship space and confirmed young Natasha Bighetty in the Church. The Primate, Fred Hiltz, was in attendance at the gala celebration and spoke glowing praises of the community and the missional presence of St. Matthew’s in the neighbourhood God has called them to. Many thanks to Cathy Campbell and the community of St. Matthew’s for their hard work and dedication to being church among “the least of these” in our city. God is indeed good!

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Cathy smiles with a parishioner (smiles of relief?)
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The procession waits excitedly to enter the church
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Lynn & David Pate sit in the congregation with Nancy Phillips
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Construction is coming along in the rest of the building- almost there!
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Much of the old wood has been retained or repurposed
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The full procession
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The new deacon greets a parishioner during communion
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The view from the upper atrium
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A packed house!
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Joe Keeper gives a prayer on behalf of his late wife Phyllis, who dearly loved the St. Matthew’s community
Left to right: Primate Fred Hiltz, Deacon Gwen McAllister, newly confirmed Natasha Bighetty, Bishop Don Phillips, Incumbent Cathy Campbell, young parishioner
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The windows looking down from the atrium
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Parishioners flood up for communion in the new sanctuary
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Tina Keeper joins her father Joe in blessing the space on behalf of her mother Phyllis (featured in the October Rupert’s Land News)


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A happy contingent from St. Chad’s Church
Honorary Assistant Fletcher Stewart smiles with joy after many months of anticipation
Geoff Woodcroft and others look down from the atrium
Geoff Woodcroft and others look down from the atrium
The old font in the new space
The old font in the new space
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The Primate smiles as he enters the church where he was consecrated primate
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Congratulations to the newest deacon in Rupert’s Land!
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The sanctuary
A full crown celebrates in the atrium/parish hall after the service
More of the repurposed materials from the former nave
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A cross and medicine wheel in the floor of the porch

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Members from Emmanuel Mission join the celebration
Members from Emmanuel Mission join the celebration

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