International Justice Camp

archives-niagara-anglican-crestThe Synod of the Diocese of Niagara


Next Justice Camp to take place in Cuba

HAMILTON, ONTARIO – The first-ever international Justice Camp will bring together a diverse group of Anglicans in Cuba next May to explore the concept of the common good with an eye towards furthering God’s justice and loving purposes.

Through a week-long program of directed immersion experiences, biblical reflection, worship, and relationship building, participants form friendships and develop skills to become effective social justice leaders within their own local communities. Issues related to food security, economic justice and civic engagement will be featured throughout the camp.

“The camps are a tangible expression of our baptismal promises, especially as they better equip us to strive for justice and uphold the dignity of every human being,” said the Reverend Bill Mous, one of the camp’s organizers. “This camp will also foster Cuban-Canadian relationships and explore what it means to be the Body of Christ at an international level.”

Twenty-five Canadians over the age of 18 will be chosen to participate in the camp alongside 25 Cuban participants. In keeping with the justice camp ethos, efforts will be made to ensure participants reflect the Anglican Church of Canada’s diversity. Those interested in learning more about the camp or desiring to submit an online application can visit

There have been seven Justice Camps since the first was hosted in Winnipeg in 2005. This Justice Camp is an innovative joint initiative of the Diocese of Niagara and the Diocese of Cuba which are in a companion diocese relationship, along with The Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund and the Anglican Church of Canada.

CONTACT: The Reverend Bill Mous, Director of Justice, Community & Global Ministries     (905) 527-1316  x330 or (905) 541-9750 [email protected]



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