January 2021 Magazine

2020 has seen the Church through a year of pain, growth, and transformation. As the Anglican Communion enters a new calendar year, we’re reflecting on transitions—those behind us and those yet to come. Heather McCance, our own Diocesan Ministry Developer, shares insight from her work with parishes in Rupert’s Land; an interview with Deb Buxton sheds light on a brand-new Transition Ministry to the diocese; Josh Ward from 1JustCity and St. Matthew’s Maryland Community Ministry laments the loss of physical closeness and proper support for our city’s most vulnerable populations; and finally, Alex Jackson ponders the question of what a radical Anglican Church should look like in the 21st century.

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Light, We have passed the midnight of the year, but our Northern world is still in its deep dark cold; the dawn is still far ...

All in Nothing

“If we are to know God it must be without means…if we do see God in this light, it must be quite private and indrawn, ...

The Presence of God

On a warm June afternoon in the summer of 2024, I sat beneath the cross on St. Cuthbert’s Island with Psalm 27 open on my ...
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