June 26, 2021: New COVID Protocols from the Office of the Bishop

Following the government of Manitoba’s announcement on June 23, effective 12:01 a.m. June 26 parishes in Manitoba are now permitted:

  • indoor faith-based services and organized community gatherings (e.g. pow wows, sundance ceremonies) to resume at 25 percent capacity to a limit of 25 persons with masks worn at all times;
  • outdoor faith-based and organized community gatherings (e.g. pow wows, sundance ceremonies) to resume for up to 50 persons, provided distance can be maintained between households.

Furthermore, the prohibition on funerals and weddings for Manitoba parishes is now lifted in accordance with Manitoba provincial orders, i.e.:

  • outdoor weddings and funerals may take place with up to 25 participants, in addition to photographer and officiants.
  • Indoor weddings and funerals are limited to 10 persons;

The prohibition on baptisms remains in effect until advised otherwise.

Following the COVID-19 safety fundamentals, including indoor mask use and physical distancing, is still required.


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