June Magazine 2018

June’s issue explores how we consume, and think about, Pop Culture, with articles by two media scholars: Mandy Elliot and Michael Boyce. We also have an article on how to make your own compost bin for the Fifth Mark of Mission and an introduction for a new Diocesan program: the Kasaka Water Project.
Download the pdf or read it in Issuu below.


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January Issue: The Way of the Magi

To begin this issue, two more people share their Bethlehem Moments, and one person shares a poetic reflection on what Bethlehem Moments mean for us ...

December Issue: Bethlehem Moments

This is a special edition of Rupert’s Land News. In this issue, people from across the Diocese have submitted their Bethlehem Moments. As we enter ...

On Family and Identity: The Passion of Perpetua

In the first few centuries of the Common Era, Christians were the targets of sporadic persecutions by the Roman authorities. The imperial persecutions of Decius, ...
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