Looking ahead | September edition

Letter from the Cathedral

paulGlory to God, whose power, working in us, can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
Generations of the faithful have come and gone in Rupert’s Land, yet God continues to be at work, building a new thing which is more than we can ask or imagine. Do we dare to follow Jesus into the future God has for us?
Good things are afoot for us. One might even say, exciting things!
As we move into fall together, we pray for courage to follow Jesus, imagining new life out of death and dancing instead of mourning.
First, there is the promise of new life together in Christ as we are reunited with the southern region of the Diocese of Keewatin, formed from a piece of Rupert’s Land in 1902. Though there is sadness in a very real ending, we look forward to being together at Diocesan Synod and to our shared future as disciples. Welcome home, sisters and brothers of southern Keewatin!
Synod takes place October 16th-18th, with Friday and Saturday events at North Kildonan MB Church. Opening worship will be at your Cathedral of St. John on Thursday evening.
At Synod (the word coming from the Greek, meaning ‘on the way/journey together’) we will come together under the theme, ‘Discipleship in 3D: Discovery, Development, Deployment.’ Our Scriptural foundation is John 20, where Jesus says, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
There is also a renewed sense of excitement for indigenous ministry in the diocese. At the Bishop’s urging, Diocesan Executive and Council have stepped up with the most significant financial commitment ever, in support of a five-year position for an Urban Indigenous Ministry Developer. A substantial bequest held by the Province of Rupert’s Land, specifically for indigenous ministry in Winnipeg, will also help in a wonderful way. The Anglican Foundation has made a generous grant as well. We hope and pray that the Spirit will bring us the very best person with the many gifts necessary for this position.
In whatever way you are reading this, you will know by now that Rupert’s Land News is changing too. Eager to share the living Word, the Church has al- ways worked to find the best and most effective ways of communicating that Word. Change is hard, but it is necessary when the communication of the Gospel is at stake.
At the Cathedral, we are already planning for our bicentenary, and so, of the whole Anglican Church in western Canada. October 2020 is an important milepost, a marker along the journey we share as disciples. Jesus, who is life and hope and peace, stands before us and says to each one, “Welcome to the future! Won’t you come in?”
Glory to God from generation to generation, in the Church and in Christ Jesus, for ever and ever.

– Paul N Johnson


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