Mental Health Resources in Rupert’s Land

If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health concern, here is a list of local resources for referral. This list can be found on our website at If you have suggestions to add to this list, particularly in for rural areas, please let us know.

Counselling and Longterm Support

Alcoholics Anonymous: (204) 942-0126, 

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba:

Manitoba Schizophrenia Society: (204) 786-1616,

Rainbow Resource Centre: (204) 474-0212, Provides free counselling and resources.

Recovery of Hope: (204) 477-4673 Recovery of Hope iwish_i_wasnt_everybody_has_a_brains a Christian counselling centre which offers services to everyone based on a sliding scale. They are particularly good for someone on a limited income and have offices in Winnipeg, Steinbach, Winkler, and Altona.

Aurora Family Therapy Centre: (204) 786-9251, Aurora, at the University of Winnipeg, offers a variety of workshops and therapy programs, including an immigrant and refugee program and discount rates with student therapists.

Eating Disorder Prevention and Recovery Program (out of the Women’s Health Clinic): For all genders, 16 and up. In addition to their recovery program (self-referral allowed), they offer workshops for different levels of disordered eating and for families and loved ones of those with an eating disorder.

Emergency and Crisis

Mobile Crisis Unit: (204) 940-1781 The Mobile Crisis Unit has teams across Southern Manitoba that respond to people in distress, 24 hours a day, by coming to where they are to meet them immediately and de-escalate the crisis.

Emergency Intake Services: A person in crisis may be taken to any emergency room at any time; however, the Crisis Response Centre is at 718 Bannatyne in Winnipeg (near the Health Sciences Centre).

Mood Disorders Email Support: [email protected]

Farm and Rural Support Line: 1-866-367-3276

Klinic Crisis Line: 1-888-322-3019 The people who answer this line deal with crises of many kinds, including mental distress and assault.

Manitoba Suicide Line: 1-877-435-7170 For both those struggling with thoughts of suicide and those concerned for them.

Those outside of Winnipeg are encouraged to contact the resources above for more information about local and distance supports for your area. For a more comprehensive list of resources, visit


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