Ministry Opportunity: St Andrew, Woodhaven, Winnipeg – Full-time Incumbent

St. Andrew, Woodhaven, Winnipeg – Full-Time Incumbent

Executive Summary – St. Andrew, Woodhaven, Winnipeg
The parishioners of St. Andrew’s Woodhaven Anglican Church in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, are a committed, enthusiastic group of worshippers. We love our church family! We care about each other and are active in each other’s lives. We enjoy getting together to share food and fellowship, to sing, and engage in meaningful liturgy.

We recently participated in an in-depth reflective process and it became clear that we desire a deeper relationship with God and a more vibrant worship experience and this will require change. We desire an incumbent who will help us to become a more Christ-centered parish that is visibly active in mission and ministry in the wider community. Our new incumbent will help lead us into a new vision for our parish and gently support us as we embrace the necessary changes, despite our very real love of the way we have always done things. We need a priest who is an inspirational preacher who brings Scripture to life and who relates it to our daily lives.

The successful candidate will have received a comprehensive theological and ecclesiological education – M.Div. or equivalent.

We are located in a lovely residential area of Winnipeg commonly known as “Sunny St. James.” Winnipeg is a medium-sized city with world-class entertainment and amenities, yet has the atmosphere of a small town. Our church is approximately seven minutes from an international airport and fifteen minutes from downtown. It is close to numerous parks, shopping malls, nature walks, a rippling creek, and thriving schools.

For a complete application package please email the Diocese Executive Archdeacon at [email protected]

Applications close April 26, 2021.


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