New beginnings

Letter from the editor

allison_croppedI’m Allison Chubb, your new editor. You may have seen me around the diocese; I was ordained priest in June and am chaplain at St. John’s College.Over the summer, I’ve been working with a media and editorial consultant to take apart the pieces of Rupert’s Land News (RLN) and put them back together in a way which engages our communities afresh. Because we are a people increasingly on the move, active in the Church and the community, we have redesigned RLN to connect with you wherever you find yourself.
The new format includes the monthly magazine, which is shifting to an editorial approach rather than being news-based. The magazine will bring you opinions, ideas, connections and profiles. It will feature Anglicans from across the diocese engaging their faith in the community. This will include a new obituaries column, Saints’ Stories; a theologians’ column, Via Media; and a section for letters to the editor.
More pressing news items won’t disappear, but they will be released on a more frequent basis using a new weekly email.
The full-colour, interactive emails are intended for everyone, not only clergy and parishes. Sign up at and you will receive weekly news flashes, events and announcements from across the diocese. The email will also include links to the diocesan calendar and the monthly Anglican cycle of prayer.
All of your editorial materials will be housed on the new RLN website. This is the “go-to” location for news, calendars, links and RLN archives.
The final piece of the new look is our social media feeds. We can be found on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. On Facebook we’re posting announcements about upcoming events, pictures and occasional links to articles and ideas of interest to the wider Church.
Our Twitter feed is a headline service connecting people throughout our diocese with the Church beyond our walls. News is sometimes featured here, but we also feed stories from the Anglican Journal, the Church of England and other connections of interest to people of faith. Finally, Instagram is a photo feed used for capturing the life of the diocese in pictures.
The drive behind the new format is community interaction. Rupert’s Land News is about the Church – and you are the Church. We want you to respond online and send in your letters to the editor. We want you to interact with the social media feeds and to share news about what’s happening in your corner of the diocese. You can do this by email to [email protected] or by mail to the Anglican Lutheran Centre.
Our tagline for the paper is “connecting Church and community,” a mission that will fuel all that RLN does this year. As we move into the fall, we continue to solicit writers, photographers, advisors, givers and prayers. Have a wonderful September!


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