St. Aidan’s, Winnipeg: Sunday morning live stream services and mid-week online content is available on the parish YouTube channel, “St Aidan’s Winnipeg Online” and website: www.staidanswinnipeg.ca/worship-online
St. Alban’s, Kenora, Ontario: Live streams on Sundays at 10:00 a.m saint benedict’s table: Live streams Evening Prayer at 5:00 p.m. daily. | Sundays at 7:00 p.m.
All Saints Church, Winnipeg: Join us in person or watch our Live stream on Sundays at 11:00 am (Sung Eucharist (BAS)). We are also offering a Said Eucharist (BCP) at 9:00 am (in person only). Come and meet our new incumbent, the Rev. Rob Schoeck! For more information visit allsaintswinnipeg.ca or call 204-786-4765. We will be following appropriate Covid precautions. All are welcome!
St. Andrew’s, Woodhaven: We offer two Sunday Services. Our In-person Spoken Service is at 8:30 a.m. and our Sung Service at 10:00 a.m. Both Sunday Services are live streamed to our YouTube channel.
saint benedict’s table: Every Sunday evening at 7p.m., we stream live services on our both Facebook Live and our YouTube channel. The services are also posted the next day on our website: https://www.stbenedictstable.ca/blog/our-sunday-liturgy-video
Church of the Good Shepherd, Winnipeg: Every Sunday at 9:00 AM. Please join us in-person or via Zoom. If you are interested in attending on Zoom, an invitation is required. Service information is available on our website.
The Ecumenical Shared Ministry of the Pinawa Christian Fellowship: Worship videos are posted weekly on our YouTube Channel.
Emmanuel Anglican/United Church, Ignace, Ontario: Live streams Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Find us on Facebook here.
St. George’s, Crescentwood: In-person and live-streamed services on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. Live streams can be accessed atwww.stgeorges.mb.ca
“In-person only” Eucharist is celebrated in the chapel every Wednesday at 12 noon.
St. George’s, Transcona: In-person services have resumed on Sundays at 10:30. Services are recorded and then posted to our YouTube Channel on Sunday afternoon. You can find information on all of our services at: https://www.stgeorgesanglicantranscona.ca/worship
Grace-St. John’s Church, Carmen, Manitoba: Sunday morning services are currently held via Zoom at 10 a.m. If you would like to join us please email [email protected] for the link.
Holy Trinity, Winnipeg: Streaming worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays and 12:10 on Wednesdays on the parish website.
St. James Anglican Church (195 Collegiate Street): Livestreamed services are on at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Tune in at sjaclive.com. Services are also available on YouTube, just search for “St. James the Assiniboine.” Visit our Facebook page here, or our website here, for more service information.
St. John’s Anglican Church, Fort Frances, Ontario: Service recordings are available on YouTube and Facebook.
St. John’s Cathedral: Sunday worship is available at 10:30am on the St. John’s Cathedral YouTube channel.
St. Luke’s, Winnipeg: Broadcasts of Sung Eucharist and occasional Choral Evensong are available on their website. | Eucharists are available from 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning.
St. Margaret’s, Winnipeg: Live streams Morning Prayer at 10:30 and Evening Prayer at 7:00 p.m. on Sundays.
St. Mark’s, Winnipeg: You can join a free teleconference call on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. | Call Number: +1 867-292-3030 | Code: 531-9209#
St. Mary’s la Prairie: Service recordings are available on YouTube.
St. Mary Magdalene: Sunday services via Zoom via zoom at 10:30 a.m. Please contact the church at [email protected] for an invitation if you’d like to join in.
St. Matthew’s, Winnipeg: Our church family is back to worshipping in-person at 10:30 a.m. Sundays at 641 St. Matthew’s Avenue (Maryland entrance). Masks, distancing, and signing the contact tracing list are required for the foreseeable future. A word-based mini-service will continue to be available on our website and at our Facebook page. Questions? Contact [email protected].
St. Paul’s, Fort Garry: Please join us for worship in-person at 10:00 a.m. Sundays. We continue to live-stream, but now directly to the parish YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@stpaulsanglicanfortgarry which also contains a link to the words to the service, and ways to contact us.
St. Peter’s, Winnipeg: St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Winnipeg holds Sunday services in person and via zoom every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Please review our website at www.stpetersanglican.ca for up-to-date health guidelines and other great information. Contact Tara Acklom via email: [email protected] or by phone at (204) 488-8093 with any queries or for a zoom invitation if you’d like to join in. We look forward to welcoming you.
St. Saviour’s, Winnipeg: Recordings are available at their website.
St. Stephen and St. Bede: Sunday services begin at 10:30 a.m. We meet in person each week and continue to livestream via our YouTube channel. Check out our podcast “Under the Faith Umbrella.” Season One concluded with the theme of ecumenism. Season Two will focus on Indigenous issues just in time for Indigenous awareness month in June.
St. Thomas, Weston: Services are uploaded to Facebook, Youtube (@stthomasweston) and our website (www.stthomasweston.ca) each Sunday.