Repping Justice and Renewal: R. Susan Smandych on Being a PWRDF Diocesan Representative

Image: Pawel Czerwinski,
How did you come to be involved with PWRDF? What drew you to become a diocesan representative?

In Spring of 2022, Bishop Geoff approached me to see whether I would consider serving as the Diocesan Representative, given my background in international development. I readily agreed, since PWRDF’s commitment to “work towards a truly just, healthy, and peaceful world” epitomizes what we as the Body of Christ are called to do, in our baptismal covenant.

Why is the work of PWRDF important for the church?

PWRDF is important to the church, since its programs are a tangible, relevant and meaningful way to live out the Five Marks of Mission in our increasingly complex and interconnected world, specifically, to respond to human need by loving service; to seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation; and to strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

What PWRDF initiative or project are you most excited about right now, and why?

The 2023 Grow Hope campaign is getting off to a great start. Participants in the recent Rogation Service in Pembina Hills got a chance to learn about Grow Hope;’s current partnership with the “Vegetable and Reforestation Project” in Tanzania, which is really very promising. I am also excited to see more Indigenous Programs being supported across Canada, including within the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.

Rev. R. Susan Smandych
Rev. R. Susan Smandych
What’s the most rewarding part of being a PWRDF diocesan representative?

It is so wonderful to see how parishes and people in Canada enthusiastically connect with partners overseas; at the heart of PWRDF is people-centered development, and fostering of relationships across the world.


What’s the most challenging part of being a PWRDF diocesan representative?

From a practical perspective: keeping the list of parish representatives up to date—so if any parish has a change in rep, please let me know as soon as possible, so the contact list can be updated accordingly.


If someone wants to support or get involved in PWRDF’s work how would you recommend they go about starting?

A)  Contact your PWRDF parish representative (and if you do not know who your parish rep is, ask your Incumbent)


B)  Contact me at [email protected] and one of us can share resources with you. If your parish does not currently have a rep, and you may be interested in becoming a rep, please contact me and we can chat! I am also available to visit parishes, either in person or via Zoom, to share an overview and/or update about PWDRF.

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