Resources Relating to the Reporting of Sexual Misconduct

Photo: Mohammad Alizade,

Below is a list of resources, sourced and compiled by RLN’s Editor, which relate to the reporting of sexual misconduct experienced within the church.

Resources for Reporting Within the Diocese of Rupert’s Land



Wondering how to report a complaint of sexual misconduct in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land? Have a question about sexual misconduct within the Diocese? There is a dedicated, confidential phone line at 204-453-3279. Messages go only to the Pastor for Healthy Communities (currently The Rev. Canon Mary Holmen) for response and action. All members of the Diocesan community and the general public can access the Diocesan Sexual Misconduct Policy at Sexual Misconduct Policy for the Diocese of Rupert’s Land | Guidelines and Policies | Diocese of Rupert’s Land ( The policy sets out the procedures for reporting and responding to complaints of sexual harassment, sexual exploitation, and sexual abuse. A Diocesan Resource Team works with the Bishop and Pastor for Healthy Communities in implementing the policy.

Resources for Civil/Criminal Reporting



Counselling and Crisis Supports




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