Rupert’s Land Shows Up at Pride

On June 3, 2018, approximately 30 Rupert’s Landers and Lutherans from MNO Synod joined together in the Pride Winnipeg Parade from the Manitoba Legislative Building to The Forks. It was the first time that Rupert’s Landers marched as a group at the parade.
“We wanted to support our friends and family members in the church and beyond the church who are LGBTTQI* and show that the church is a welcoming place,” said Jane Barter, incumbent at St. Peter’s, Dynevor, who organized the group. “We also wish to state that the church stands with them in opposition to the many forces in society that would oppress, repress or otherwise marginalize their lives and loves.”
Many people walk for different reasons. For Samantha Klassen, who attended the parade for the third time this year, walking is about the practice: “Practices are the work of the body, not the mind. The mind is skilled at analysis, but not so skilled at holding tensions that do not easily resolve. It is the body, not the mind, that knows how to hold ambiguity. The marching itself, therefore, as the work of the body, as a practice, is what weaves the diversity of Pride into unity.”
Those in attendance carried a rainbow banner that read “Proud Anglicans, The Diocese of Rupert’s Land, ‘and the greatest of these is love,’ 1 Corinthians 13:13.” They also handed out postcards that quoted Bishop Michael Curry from the Royal Wedding in May: “Love is the only way.”
“This year the joy of marching at Pride was magnified by the opportunity to march with my family, the Church – this mysterious Body entrusted with a divine vision of bodies in fullness and delight and glory, a vision that we call Incarnation,” says Samantha. “Pride, it seems to me, offers us a taste of this vision. As we drink it in, may we find ourselves strengthened in unity and delighted in beauty, to the glory of God, who took on flesh and dwelt among us.”
Thanks to Diocesan Ministry Developer Heather McCance for providing the photos below. You can also check out some photos from Tyler Gingrich, assistant to the Bishop for MNO Synod, on Instagram.


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