Anglican Church of Canada

Examining White Privilege in the Anglican Church

Within Christianity, Scripture prompts us to respond to oppression and injustice; for example, Isaiah 58:6 asks us to consider “Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every

Open, accessible, and Safe Church

Last month, the Anglican Church of Canada was rocked by the resignation of Rev. Mark MacDonald, national Indigenous archbishop. This comes at a time when members of the ACC, both nationally and at the diocesan level, are working to develop and implement Safe Church policies for our members. It’s necessary

May Magazine 2022

What do hope and healing look like within the church, and specifically the Anglican Church of Canada, in our present moment? May’s issue ventures into this conversation under the theme of “Fissures.” RLN Reporter at Large Hannah Foulger examines the Safe Church Charter of the Anglican Communion, what the policy

Reimagining the Anglican Church of Canada during a Triennium of Transition

In response to a call from the church at General Synod 2019, a Strategic Plan Working Group (SPWG) has been struck to develop and initiate a process to re-examine the mission and structures of General Synod. In partnership with the entire church, the working group works prayerfully to undertake a strategic


Lux et Origo

Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer begins this issue with an exploration of light — light as the source of creation, light as the Good, light as the glorious love of the Holy Trinity. She writes, “the creation story teaches us that the promise in the midst of the dark is not only that the light will come again, but that light is always present. All that is has light as its substance and ground. Light is here, in the dark, in the fabric of everything. And this light is the glory of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons and one God held in unity by the life of love.”

Then, the Ven. Simon Blaikie writes on what he learned on a recent trip to Holy Island. He reminds us that we are all called to draw ever closer to the Lord, and that we experience the mystical presence of God in silence, stillness, and witnessing God’s beautiful creation. We must remember, he says, that “the Divine mystery lives within every human being…”.

Following this, Cinna Baran writes on the idea that God is Nothingness — a paradoxical idea put forth in one of Meister Eckhart’s sermons. His article explores what this concept means, how it is not contradictory to the Christian faith, and how Paul experienced this when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Durell Desmond concludes this issue with a poem titled “Shadow and Light.”

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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