Update for October Synod 2020

We ask that you pray for the 117th Session of Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. Please pray for all those involved, the selected delegates and our Bishop Geoffrey Woodcroft, and for their work and discernment leading up to the virtual meeting on October 17.

The in-person meeting of Synod 2020 is being postponed due to COVID-19. The Province of Manitoba has, in Phase Four of its restoration plan, proposed a cap of 50 people, or maximum of 30 percent site capacity, for indoor gatherings. Synod gatherings typically involve up to 200 people.  

The Synod Agenda Committee, along with the Chancellor, has met over the past months to discuss what to do with the planned Synod for October 2020 in light of COVID-19. The initial thought was to postpone Synod until a later date. However, after reviewing the constitution, it was determined that Synod must be held biennially and Diocesan Council must also be elected biennially.  

Numerous options have been explored regarding the best route to take in order to meet our constitutional requirements. Of course, top of mind certainly was (and continues to be) the safety and the wellbeing of the Body of Christ in the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.  

Synod is a rare and important opportunity for the entire Diocese to get together and network. And so, the plan is to meet virtually, via Zoom video conference on the morning of Saturday, October 17th for the 117th Session of Synod. The session will begin with taking attendance (to ensure quorum), followed by an Opening Eucharist, receipt of ballots previously mailed in (for the election of Diocesan Council, Provincial Synod, General Synod, Board on Canons & Rules of Order, and Diocesan Court), along with other procedural requirements. Since this meeting format (Zoom) does not lead itself to proper discussion and debates, no resolutions will be accepted from Synod Delegates or committees.

The Convening Circular has been sent (via email or Canada Post) out to all delegates. In addition, a package containing the registration and balloting instructions, including the actual ballots was mailed to all delegates on September 13. All registration envelopes and ballots must be received by 4:00 p.m. on

Thursday, October 15, 2020.

Detailed instructions on how to access the Zoom meeting will be emailed or mailed to all delegates at the beginning of October.

Read a letter from the Bishop.

Read the Protocols for Gathering, updated September 3. 


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