Warden & Vice-Chancellor at St. John’s College

St John’s College, a founding and member College of the University of Manitoba, invites applications for the position of Warden & Vice-Chancellor. Along with the University of Manitoba and the Anglican Church, St John’s College is committed to working towards reconciliation and Indigenization.

The Warden & Vice-Chancellor will:

  • Provide dynamic leadership for all College constituencies;
  • Act as the administrative head and chief executive officer, and have overall responsibility for the academic, administrative, and spiritual life of the College. This includes ongoing collaboration with the Diocese of Rupert’s Land to provide Theological education support and resources through the College’s Department of Theology;
  • Possess academic qualifications appropriate to a senior-level university appointment, a significant scholarly record, fundraising skills, and significant administrative experience.

Applicants should send, in confidence, a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and the names of three referees (who will not be contacted without consent of the applicant), before January 30, 2021, to the Chair, Warden Search Committee, St John’s College, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2M5; e-mail: [email protected].

A detailed job description is available here.


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