Water for Kasaka

The Diocesan passion fruit orchard, which can provide an income of up to $75 per day. Small scale agriculture like this will help ensure a stable economy for the people of Kasaka.

On March 24, the Diocesan Council carried a new motion: “That the report of the Companion Diocese Committee on the Kasaka Water Project be received; that Diocesan Council commended this to parishes for their prayer and financial support; and that the Diocese endorse the Water Project for Kasaka as a bona fide program of the Companion Diocese Covenant.”
Bishop Michael Lubowa, Alvin Jacobs, and Geofrey Wamala, the water engineer looking at a possible site for the well.

The Kasaka Water Project is now a new program through the Companion Diocese Covenant, spearheaded by Alvin Jacobs.
The goal of the Water Project is to provide the village of Kasaka, in the Diocese of Central Buganda, with water to sustain them through the dry season. Water will be provided through a well that is powered by a solar-panelled pump, collected in a 24,000-Litre tank, and shared by the community, two schools, health clinics, and the Kasaka Child Development Centre. Having water available through the dry season also means that crops will grow better, leading to economic stability for the Diocese.
A word from the Bishops

It is hard for most of us in Rupert’s Land to imagine living and working on a daily basis without a readily accessible source of clean water. However, this is the case for the little village of Kasaka where our sister Cathedral of St. John’s in the Diocese of Central Buganda is located. Over one thousand children and youth gather on a regular basis at three educational institutions in the village. The need for clean, safe portable water is huge. And while the cost of this water project is well beyond the reach of the local congregation, we in Rupert’s Land would consider it quite modest and entirely do-able. I have visited Kasaka several times and am very pleased that this opportunity has been developed. I urge all of us to support this work and enable it to be completed as expeditiously as possible. – Bishop Donald Phillips, Rupert’s Land

We feel that completion of this water project will reduce percentages of born diseases like cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, bilharzia, only to mention a few of them that are rampant in the area. Water will be used for personal hygiene, cooking, drinking, and nutrition. It will help our people in agriculture especially in dry season. Hence, fighting poverty among our communities. Like King David, Kasaka community is eagerly waiting to receive good water. May the good Lord continue to bless those who are ready to support this water project. – Bishop Michael Lubowa, Central Buganda

How you can help
So far, $10,000 has been raised out of the goal of $45,000 in total. If you would like to support the Water Project, you can:

  1. Pray.
  2. Donate. You can write a cheque through your parish, or donate through the (be sure to mention Kasaka). While any amount is welcome, donations $20 and over will receive a tax deductible receipt.

1. Solar Module / Array
2. DC-Electrical Cable
3. Power Inverter / Pump Control Drive
4. AC-Electrical Cable
5. Submersible Water Pump
6. Electrical Motor
7. Low Level Water Sensor
8. Water Pipe
9. Storage Tank

If you have any questions about the Water Project for Kasaka, please contact Alvin Jacobs. You can also contact Sean Carlson of the Companion Diocese Committee through the Diocesan Office (204-992-4219).


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