Sara Krahn



Alone, but at Home

When I moved to Winnipeg in the summer of 2017, my furniture took quite a few days to catch up with me. A friend had

Alone Again, Naturally

Though this letter is published with permission, the author has requested to remain anonymous. One Sunday, my priest gave a sermon on Job. He focused

March Magazine 2019

March’s issue on Alone-ness explores being alone and being lonely. We’ll hear from a parishioner (who’s asked to remain anonymous), who talks about the loneliness she’s dealt

Less Plastic for Lent

The Anglican Communion Environmental Network and Anglican Greens have put out a “Less Plastic for Lent” calendar. Download a pdf copy here.  

Living Abundantly with Less

You might think Living with Less lines up well with Stewardship – if you reduce your consumption, you can give more money to the Church. But that

February Magazine 2019

February’s issue on Living with Less explores consumer privilege and being able to choose to living minimally. In this issue, Lynda Trono talks with guests

Fun Fair at St. Paul’s

On Sunday January 27, St. Paul’s Fort Garry held a Time and Talent Fun Fair. The goal was to highlight all the parish groups and

WPCU Ecumenical Worship Service

On January 20, a city-wide Ecumenical Worship Service was held to mark the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. You can see a few

Everyday Mysteries

Someone has said, “Life is a not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.” I sense that most of us find

The Gospels and God’s Will

This past year was very challenging personally, as I moved from Toronto with my husband and settled into our new home in Winnipeg. Our road