
Two Movies for Lent

Image by Lloyd Dirks   By: Paul Dyck This past week I had opportunity to watch two astonishing movies in the theatre, and it struck me after the second that they had led me into a thoughtfulness appropriate to the season of Lent, that time of contrition in preparation for

March Issue: Faithful Service

In this month’s issue, former RLN editor Jude Claude writes a community catechesis reflecting on Karl Barth’s understanding of the “pistis Christou” debate –  the theological distinction between “faith of Christ” and “faith in Christ” – as it relates to the recent protest by self-immolation of US serviceman Aaron Bushnell.

“A Corner of God’s Glory”: St. Aidan’s Parish Profile

Photo by RLN   Interview with Les, Ruth, and Lynne   RLN: Could you tell me about the name of your parish? Lynne: St. Aidan was known as “the Saint of Surprising Gentleness.” He was a seventh century missionary who came from Ireland. He was a missionary to England primarily

2024 Holy Week Services

Image by James Coleman     St. George’s Transcona Rev Wilson Akinwale presiding   Palm Sunday – March 24 at 10:30 a.m. Maundy Thursday – March 28 at 2:00 p.m. Good Friday – March 29 at 10:30 a.m. Easter Sunday –  March 31 at 11:30 a.m.   St. George’s Crescentwood

Dynevor ‘Indian’ Hospital

Photographer unknown, Dynevor, St Peter fonds (OW.021)   By: Mary Horodyski Many people today are unaware that Canada operated, and in many ways continues to operate, a racially segregated health care system. The Diocese of Rupert’s Land played a role in this long and complicated history by running Dynevor Hospital

Land Acknowledgement as Confession

Image by: Keith Chan   “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1 Peter Flynn points to this opening line of the Gospel of John to emphasize the connection between the word and embodied, Christ-like action in the world.

Who are the other Naullaqs out there?

Photo: Daiwei Lu   By: Chris Trott Modern scholarship in history has taught us that we not only have to critically examine documents from the past, we must also ask ‘What is being left out? What is being erased?’ The study of women’s history, for example, has shown that 51%

February Issue: The Living Past

February is Black History Month! This issue of RLN starts off with a message from the Rev. Wilson Akinwale who was recently elected National Board Chair of the Black Anglicans of Canada and an announcement of an afternoon celebration of Black excellence. Next, Chris Trott discusses the history of Inuit

Caste System or Racial Discrimination?

Image by Nicolas Krebs   By: Edmund Laldin Racial injustice and systematic racism in Canada and the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) came up in a recent conversation with a friend. We discussed the causes, symptoms, and perhaps the cure of this horrible sickness in society and in the ACC.

Moving to Flourish in the Spirit

Photo: Scott Evans   By: The Rev. Canon Dr. Murray Still At the Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples (ACIP) we continue to work toward self determination within the church. As of the General Synod/Joint Assembly in Calgary in July, we presented The Covenant and Our Way of Life (OWL). For

“Where the Good Way Lies”

Image by maxim bober   By Jane Barter Each of our parishes embraces reconciliation with Indigenous peoples as a value. However, reconciliation is often imagined to be something symbolic and interpersonal. Perhaps it is a change of understanding in which non-Indigenous people come to see their Indigenous neighbours in a

January Issue: Repentance and Renewal

This month’s issue begins with a reflection on Jesus’ baptism from Bishop Geoffrey Woodcroft. He writes about the support each of us need from the collective body of the church in our lifelong journey of discipleship as we renounce our egos through repentance. In the community catechesis, Jane Barter writes

Repentance Changes Our Lives Together

Image by: Jan Canty   I’ve heard the early part of Acts chapter 2, in which Peter tells the people to repent and be baptized, read many times over the years. The latter part of that chapter, which I’ve heard read less often, tells of the daily lives of the

Reckless Hospitality

Header Image: Daoudi Aissa   By: Bishop Geoffrey Woodcroft Former assistant to the Manitoba Northern Ontario Synod Bishop, Larry Ulrich, told the following story to a gathering of Missional Church disciples: “When I was canvassing for The Heart and Stroke Foundation this year, I was struck by the number of

Hospitality Requires Honesty

Image by Jr Korpa   By: Andrew Rampton As Christendom began to visibly crumble in the middle of the twentieth century, mainline churches began to worry about their future sustainability. The steady maintenance of parishes was no longer assured as attitudes toward institutions like the Church changed dramatically in just

Threaded Back Together: The Joining of St. Chad’s and St. Andrew’s

image by Courtney Smith In late November, I sat down with Rev. Liz Richens to discuss the history that led up to the joining of St. Chad’s and St. Andrew’s, and the ways these communities have chosen to commemorate their individual histories while entering a new chapter as one. This

Moving Beyond the Rhetoric of Christian Hospitality

By: Sunder John Boopalan Let’s begin with a basic recognition: Hospitality is an industry. It is a financially lucrative business model in which professionals are trained to win hearts and wallets with smiles and niceties. It comes of no surprise, of course, that the underlying logic in the hospitality industry

December Issue: Hospitality

In this month’s issue, Bishop Geoffrey Woodcroft writes about Reckless Hospitality that challenges the status quo. While some may question “Why do you risk yourself so boldly? Why do you care?” Woodcroft sees this kind of hospitality as modeled after the way Christ engaged with the world. Sunder John Boopalan’s


The Way of the Magi

To begin this issue, two more people share their Bethlehem Moments, and one person shares a poetic reflection on what Bethlehem Moments mean for us going forward out of Christmastide.

Then, The Reverend James Gomez provides a brief history of St. Paul’s (Middlechurch) in honour of their 200th anniversary.

Following this, The Right Reverend Donald Phillips challenges us all to think about how we talk about Jesus. Would each of us feel confident in our ability to describe Him and the meaning of His life and ministry?

Karen Bender then shares a bit about Downtown Neighbourhood Lunch, Inc., a wonderful ministry operating out of Holy Trinity which gives food and essential items to those in need.

Next, Diane Guilford writes on the rejuvenation of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP) — what it is, how it has been rejuvenated, and how you can become involved.

Then, Obren Amiesimaka writes on ringing in the new year, tackling hopes and fears, and what Christmastide can teach us about the meaning of trusting in the Lord.

Lastly, Durell Desmond shares his poem titled “The Plan” to send us forth into 2025.

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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