Faith Perspectives: A Photo Essay by Kenji Dyck

How might we look at the church within the architecture of the natural world? In Faith Perspectives, the photographer turns our eye to the physical structures of the church, only to bolster a larger, wilder scaffolding around it. We see the church as enlivened in its earthly environment: summer camp spent on the lake, a neon cross emblazoned against storm clouds, a set of church doors framed in the bounties of spring, a cathedral in the sky. We are also invited to venture inside the church building, where a couple waits for a ceremony to begin.

It is the Easter season, and we are here to remember the death and resurrection of Christ; to attend to creation in its cycle of dying and its promise of aliveness.

We practice our faith in showing up for this ceremony, but our showing up happens both inside and outside of the church building. As we enter the church, we bow our heads and remember the promise, but when we leave, we learn how to look up, how to see. Once outside, we recognize God’s promise in the solitary lake or majestic sky; we experience the renewal of life in the continuous unfolding of perspective.

Editor’s Note

View Kenji Dyck’s photo essay here.


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