
EFM on the horizon

Registrations are now being accepted for the next Education for Ministry (EFM) course, beginning in September. EFM is followed by Anglicans in the UK, Australia, USA, and Canada. It comes from The University of the South. Groups must be 6-12 people. There are four years and all years meet together.

Bishop’s Response to Orlando Shootings

Reflection on the Orlando Massacre Early Sunday morning, June 12, a lone gunman murdered 49 persons and injured many others at a nightclub in Orlando.  For America, it marked the worst mass shooting the country has ever experienced.  Besides the family and friends of those killed and wounded, who are

Pinawa Christian Fellowship Supports Relay for Life

The Pinawa Christian Fellowship (PCF), a multidenominational congregation recognized by the Anglican Church of Canada, Mennonite Church Manitoba, The Presbyterian Church in Canada and the United Church of Canada, participated in the 2016 Relay for Life in Pinawa on June 4.  The 11 team members participated “in Jesus’ name” to

Bishop’s update on same-sex marriage in Rupert’s Land

It is my hope that this brief pastoral update will be helpful to members of our diocese. Since the communication from the House of Bishops and the response from the Council of General Synod regarding the proposed change to the marriage canon back in March, 2016, I have noted both the interest and

Anglican Foundation Membership

The Anglican Foundation of Canada – Is your Parish on Board? In 1957, in what could be described as a prescient motion, the General Synod created the Anglican Foundation to support and inspire ministry within the Anglican Church in Canada. The Foundation is a member-based organization and expects parishes, church

Diocese Hiring Part Time Admin

Paid, part-time administrative ministry opportunity The Diocese of Rupert’s Land, Anglican Lutheran Centre, is seeking an Accounting Clerk/Office Support Person. Part-time (12 hours per week) shared (approx. 70%-30%) between the Finance department and the General Office administration. Processing of Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable including cheque preparation, donation database and

Rupert’s Land response to the Winnipeg Free Press

The apology came in 1993, some 12 years before the government’s apology and 16 years before the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was launched. But repentance is not just about being sorry; it means doing things differently. For the Anglican Church of Canada, the call to repentance for our role in

Gwen McAllister Ordained to the Priesthood

Gwen McAllister was ordained to the priesthood on April 24 at St. John’s Cathedral. She begins her ministry with the people of St. Matthew’s parish on May 1. Congratulations Gwen! Above (l-r): Mark MacDonald, Gwen McAllister, Dan Thagard. The full cathedral spoke to the number of individuals who have supported

The Devon Mission Celebrates 175 Years

During the first weekend of April on Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN), Anglicans and others from across the country gathered to celebrate God’s faithfulness with the 175th anniversary of the Devon Mission. A colourful procession of Cree dancers, led by a crucifer and a pole covered with eagle feathers, marked the

Bishop’s Letter to the Diocese

A response from the Bishop to recent communications on the marriage canon issues It has been about three weeks since the national House of Bishops issued its public statement to the Council of General Synod from its special meeting in February. Because I knew that within a week I would be

Indigenous Ministry Developer

After many months of discernment, Bishop Donald Phillips is pleased to announce the appointment of Vincent Solomon to the new position of Urban Indigenous Ministry Developer. Vincent will begin this work on May 1, 2016. This appointment is the culmination of much hard work by the UIMD working group, with input from the

Review of Kenn Garrity’s New Book

Asking questions does not mean you are questioning your faith, you are simply seeking answers so your faith can grow. Rev. Kenn Garrity has just published his second book in The WHYs Book series. Following the same format as his first book, I’m A WHYs Book Two, contains 51 new questions

Pinawa Christian Fellowship Responds to Influx of Refugees

Folks at the Pinawa Christian Fellowship, a shared ministry of the Anglican, Mennonite, Presbyterian and United Churches, wanted to find a way to respond immediately to the current refugee crisis. In just four weeks, they sewed and shopped and put together 101 hygiene kits for the Mennonite Central Committee. These kits provide basic hygiene

Orphaned Somali Refugees Arrive at Last

17-year-old Fathi was no doubt overjoyed to receive his ten younger siblings and little niece at the Winnipeg airport on Thursday. Fathi, who is ethnically Somali but has grown up in Saudi Arabia, was orphaned when his father, who worked for the Somalian consulate in Saudi, died. After learning that

Ten orphaned refugee children and a baby arriving unaccompanied in Winnipeg today

HOSPITALITY HOUSE Refugee Ministry Inc 1039 Main St. Winnipeg, MB January 14, 2016 Ten orphaned refugee children and a baby arriving unaccompanied in Winnipeg today A singular event will happen late this afternoon when a family of eleven underage children, refugees from Somalia and now escaping from Saudi Arabia, will arrive at

New Priest for St. John the Baptist, Fort Frances

MJ Leewis-Kirk is the new interim priest at St. John the Baptist, Fort Frances, pictured here at their celebration of new ministry on December 13 with Bishop Don and Michael Gervais, the Rector’s Warden. MJ comes to Rupert’s Land from the Diocese of Calgary and began her position at St.



We start this month’s issue off with an article from the Rev. Theo Robinson on the resolution at General Synod on Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys for Gender Transition and Affirmation. This article explores the context leading up to the resolution and the good news of the Anglican Church of Canada becoming the first in the worldwide communion of Anglican Churches to have a pastoral liturgy for gender transition.

Next, the Rev. Dixie Bird describes the experiences and teachings shared at Sacred Beginnings. Sacred Beginnings is an embryo of Sacred Circle for youth to learn traditional teachings and get involved in the work being done by Indigenous Anglicans and just had its second gathering in May this year.

The Rev. Alan Hayes reflects on the 1963 Anglican Congress in Toronto which was a turning point in Anglican history and began significant conversations about decolonization and the Anglican Church’s relationship with the British empire. A recent conference marking 60 years since this congress has brought forward reflections on what has changed in the Anglican church in the intervening years.

A note from Refugee Coordinator Marlene Smith invites you to the diocese’s marking of World Refugee Day on June 23rd at Epiphany Indigenous Church. This day is meant as an invitation to “welcome the stranger” and calls us to explore the relationship between moving towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supporting those displaced by war abroad.

Robyn Sulkko of the PWRDF youth council announces their 12 month Youth to Youth program which provides opportunities for people ages 12-16 to learn about each other’s cultures and build right relationships with each other.

Finally, a parish profile on St. Michael and All Angels’ explores how that community’s unique Anglo-Catholic worship connects with both retired clergy and congregants in their 20s all looking to worship with all the senses in a context outside of the business of daily life.

I hope you enjoy this month’s articles.


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