
Indigenous Ministry Developer

After many months of discernment, Bishop Donald Phillips is pleased to announce the appointment of Vincent Solomon to the new position of Urban Indigenous Ministry Developer. Vincent will begin this work on May 1, 2016. This appointment is the culmination of much hard work by the UIMD working group, with input from the

Review of Kenn Garrity’s New Book

Asking questions does not mean you are questioning your faith, you are simply seeking answers so your faith can grow. Rev. Kenn Garrity has just published his second book in The WHYs Book series. Following the same format as his first book, I’m A WHYs Book Two, contains 51 new questions

Pinawa Christian Fellowship Responds to Influx of Refugees

Folks at the Pinawa Christian Fellowship, a shared ministry of the Anglican, Mennonite, Presbyterian and United Churches, wanted to find a way to respond immediately to the current refugee crisis. In just four weeks, they sewed and shopped and put together 101 hygiene kits for the Mennonite Central Committee. These kits provide basic hygiene

Orphaned Somali Refugees Arrive at Last

17-year-old Fathi was no doubt overjoyed to receive his ten younger siblings and little niece at the Winnipeg airport on Thursday. Fathi, who is ethnically Somali but has grown up in Saudi Arabia, was orphaned when his father, who worked for the Somalian consulate in Saudi, died. After learning that

Ten orphaned refugee children and a baby arriving unaccompanied in Winnipeg today

HOSPITALITY HOUSE Refugee Ministry Inc 1039 Main St. Winnipeg, MB January 14, 2016 Ten orphaned refugee children and a baby arriving unaccompanied in Winnipeg today A singular event will happen late this afternoon when a family of eleven underage children, refugees from Somalia and now escaping from Saudi Arabia, will arrive at

New Priest for St. John the Baptist, Fort Frances

MJ Leewis-Kirk is the new interim priest at St. John the Baptist, Fort Frances, pictured here at their celebration of new ministry on December 13 with Bishop Don and Michael Gervais, the Rector’s Warden. MJ comes to Rupert’s Land from the Diocese of Calgary and began her position at St.

Niagara Music Duo Visit Three Rupert’s Land Parishes

The music duo Infinitely More, based out of the Niagara region of southern Ontario, played concerts at three Rupert’s Land Parishes this fall in the tour across the Prairies: Immanuel, Ignace; St. Luke’s, Dryden; and St. Andrew’s on the Red. The husband and wife duo, Allison and Gerald, have been

Casting Call for Anglican Clergy

WANTED: Anglican and United Church clergy with a theatrical bent (or at least actor-ly aspirations), to perform in a fundraiser production of the Vicar of Dibley. The Vicar of Dibley is adapted from the beloved BBC sitcom about a small English village church thrown into hilarious chaos when their elderly vicar dies and

Connecting Church and Community for Another Year

Note from the Editor – December 2015 Can you believe that December is already upon us? The Christmas bazaars and luncheons, held in so many churches across the Diocese, are being replaced with Advent Lessons and Carols. St. Andrew’s on the Red is hosting its first old-fashioned Christmas, with carols

Festivals of Lessons & Carols

Are you going to miss the festival of lessons and carols at your church? Or perhaps your community doesn’t have one? Join one of these other congregations for their annual celebration: November 29, 4:00 p.m: Advent Procession with carols at All Saints’, Winnipeg December 4, 7:30 p.m.: the Selkirk Community

CLAY 2016

Have you heard about CLAY? The Canadian Lutheran Anglican Youth (CLAY) Gathering is the Anglican Church’s national youth gathering for young adults ages 14 – 19 in 2016 (born between 1997 and 2002). Our next Gathering takes place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, August 17 – 21, and all Anglican

Bishop’s Dinner with Murray Sinclair

The Bishop’s Dinner was a great success yesterday, where a full conference room at the Victoria Inn enjoyed a lovely dinner followed by reflections from Justice Murray Sinclair on his work with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Our second great story-teller this month, Justice Sinclair has a surprising sense of

Faith Horizons 2015

Representatives from parishes across the Diocese gathered in Winnipeg on October 16-17 for Faith Horizons, held biannually between diocesan synods. This year’s speaker was Kevin Lamoureux, Professor of Education at the University of Winnipeg. Kevin, who is half Ukrainian and half Ojibwe, was raised for much of his life in

Grace St. John’s Church, Carman, Turns 50

  Still going strong after 50 years, Grace St. John’s building, constructed in Carman in 1965, has served its congregation well. Originally constructed as an Anglican Church (St. John’s), its name was changed to Grace St. John’s Church in 2004 when the Grace Lutheran Church joined the St. John’s Anglican congregation.

Treasurer’s Workshop a Success

Bernice Funk, the Director of Finance for the Diocese, held a treasurer’s workshop in Dryden, Ontario, on Saturday. There was a great turnout, with wardens, treasurers, and clergy in attendance. Presentations were done by Bernice as well as Gord Pawling, Sharon Routley, and Bob Clarkson. If you are interested in attending a

St. Chad’s Reaffirms Ministry Relationship with Kirkfield Park United

On Sunday, September 27, members of the vestry and congregation of St. Chad’s took part in celebrating the new ministry of Rev. Dwight Rutherford at Kirkfield Park United Church. The congregation also had a role in the covenanting service between Rev. Dwight, Kirkfield Park United, Gordon Bell United, and the


Lux et Origo

Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer begins this issue with an exploration of light — light as the source of creation, light as the Good, light as the glorious love of the Holy Trinity. She writes, “the creation story teaches us that the promise in the midst of the dark is not only that the light will come again, but that light is always present. All that is has light as its substance and ground. Light is here, in the dark, in the fabric of everything. And this light is the glory of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons and one God held in unity by the life of love.”

Then, the Ven. Simon Blaikie writes on what he learned on a recent trip to Holy Island. He reminds us that we are all called to draw ever closer to the Lord, and that we experience the mystical presence of God in silence, stillness, and witnessing God’s beautiful creation. We must remember, he says, that “the Divine mystery lives within every human being…”.

Following this, Cinna Baran writes on the idea that God is Nothingness — a paradoxical idea put forth in one of Meister Eckhart’s sermons. His article explores what this concept means, how it is not contradictory to the Christian faith, and how Paul experienced this when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Durell Desmond concludes this issue with a poem titled “Shadow and Light.”

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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