
Intro to Christian Meditation

“Be still and know that I am God” A six week introductory course is being offered in four Anglican churches beginning in the week of October 12: St Luke’s, 130 Nassau St N Monday 9:15 a.m. [email protected] St Peter’s,  755 Elm St Tuesday 10:00 a.m. [email protected] St Paul’s, 830 North Dr

Centre for Christian Studies Hires Two New Staff

September 10, 2015 Winnipeg, MB – The Centre for Christian Studies is thrilled to announce that Janet Ross and David Lappano will be joining its Program Staff team. After an extensive search process, we believe that David and Janet bring a depth of skills and knowledge that will nicely complement the existing

International Justice Camp

The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara MEDIA RELEASE Next Justice Camp to take place in Cuba HAMILTON, ONTARIO – The first-ever international Justice Camp will bring together a diverse group of Anglicans in Cuba next May to explore the concept of the common good with an eye towards furthering

Letter to Rupert’s Land Re: Syrian Refugee Crisis

August, 2015 Letter to Parishes of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land Re: Syrian Refugees Dear Friends in the Diocese, I am writing to each congregations in the Diocese about the crisis we see and hear about nightly on our newscasts – the plight of 4 million Syrian refugees. I am hoping

Shaking Things Up: clergy changes across the Diocese

There are several new placements and ministries happening across the Diocese this fall.  Liz Richens begins her appointment as Incumbent at St. Stephen’s, Winnipeg, September 1 Wayne McIntosh begins his appointment as Incumbent at St. Francis’, Winnipeg, September 1 Karine Snowdon begins her appointment as Interim Priest at Holy Trinity,

Cancer Support Group

St. Luke’s, Winnipeg, is hosting a Christian cancer support group twice a month for those suffering from the illness, their families, and caretakers. All are welcome to join the group on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. For more information, please email the church or call (204) 452-3609.

Reading the Magazine Online: a tutorial

The monthly magazine has now moved completely online. If reading online is new for you, or if you’d like to print it off for reading at home, watch this short tutorial for a few tips. Please share the video with anyone who might benefit from a bit more information about

Emmanuel Summer Learning Program

Update: the 2016 summer program needs your help! If you’re able to help with grant writing, summer planning, or the camp itself, please contact Ruben Garang. Emmanuel Mission is pleased to be offering their summer learning program again this year, held at Mulvey School in Winnipeg. The program, which runs for

Shoal Lake Freedom Road

Musician Steve Bell has written the following letter to Rupert’s Land News, calling for Anglicans to get involved in the push for a road and bridge to Shoal Lake: Shoal Lake is the First Nations community that was displaced 100 years ago so Winnipeg could build an aqueduct for our

Summer Ordination

There was a full house at St. John’s Cathedral on Tuesday as Bonnie Dowling and Abraham (Monybony) Kuol Chuol were ordained to the priesthood, and Dan Thagard and Lorna Howell were ordained to the diaconate. It was a joyful celebration- congratulations, Bonnie, Abraham, Dan, and Lorna! Please keep these four

Indigenous Spiritual and Pastoral Care Grads

The United Centre for Theological Studies graduated its first five students with a diploma in Indigenous Spiritual and Pastoral Care this spring. The diploma was created by the University of Winnipeg to train students as spiritual care providers in hospitals, jails, and missions. The instructors are proud of the students, who worked hard over

Province of Rupert’s Land Elects New Metropolitan

On Thursday, June 18, the Provincial Synod of Rupert’s Land elected a new Metropolitan, Archbishop Greg Kerr-Wilson of the Diocese of Calgary. As Metropolitan, Greg with continue in his role as bishop of that diocese. He transferred to Calgary three years ago after six years as the Bishop of Qu’Appelle,

Rupert’s Land Clergy Graduation

A big congratulations to Rupert’s Land priest and deacon, Steven Scribner and Tanis Kolisnyk, who graduated from the University of Winnipeg on June 12! Steven completed his Master’s of Divinity and Tanis completed her MA in Theology. Tanis’ thesis on the Indigenous Anglican path to self-determination can be read here.

TRC Report Leads to 22 Days of Action

They may have tried to kill the Indian in the child, but instead they have awakened a gentle spirit of reconciliation.  On June 2, 2015 in Ottawa the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) delivered its final report to the government and Canada. The event included a few days of events ahead

Hungry for Theology?

St. Margaret’s, Winnipeg, to Offer Theology Courses in 2015-2016 It can be hard to find a comfortable place to talk about theology, and with dwindling programming in Masters-level theology courses in Western Canada, it’s increasingly difficult to find a classroom to study it in. Saint Margaret’s, in partnership with St.

Visit from the Anglican Communion’s Director for Mission

Rupert’s Land is please to be welcoming John Kafwanka, Director for Mission for the Anglican Communion, on Sunday, June 14.  John works out of the Anglican office in London, England, and met Bishop Donald at the African-Canadian companion diocese consultation in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in May. After listening to

Golden Jubilee for Four Rupert’s Landers

On Trinity Sunday, May 31, 2015, David Pate, Peter Flynn, David Jackson, and Duncan Wallace celebrated the 50th anniversary of their ordination to the priesthood at St. John’s Cathedral. The four men were ordained priests together on June 13, 1965, the entire theological class of St. John`s College that year. Unfortunately,

Lieutenant Governor Presents Medal to St. Peter’s Parishioner

May 12 was Manitoba’s 145th birthday. To celebrate the auspicious event, the Queen’s representative in the Province, His Honour the Honourable Philip S. Lee, Lieutenant Governor presented gold medals to five citizens dedicated to history and heritage in Manitoba. manitoba_day.html Of the five exemplary citizens honoured on May 12, one name is


Lux et Origo

Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer begins this issue with an exploration of light — light as the source of creation, light as the Good, light as the glorious love of the Holy Trinity. She writes, “the creation story teaches us that the promise in the midst of the dark is not only that the light will come again, but that light is always present. All that is has light as its substance and ground. Light is here, in the dark, in the fabric of everything. And this light is the glory of God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons and one God held in unity by the life of love.”

Then, the Ven. Simon Blaikie writes on what he learned on a recent trip to Holy Island. He reminds us that we are all called to draw ever closer to the Lord, and that we experience the mystical presence of God in silence, stillness, and witnessing God’s beautiful creation. We must remember, he says, that “the Divine mystery lives within every human being…”.

Following this, Cinna Baran writes on the idea that God is Nothingness — a paradoxical idea put forth in one of Meister Eckhart’s sermons. His article explores what this concept means, how it is not contradictory to the Christian faith, and how Paul experienced this when he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Durell Desmond concludes this issue with a poem titled “Shadow and Light.”

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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