Walking: A Soliloquy

I am one of those people who much prefers to read about walking than to actually walk. I am not talking about those healthy “hike a nature trail across half of North America” types of walking books, but rather those that reflect on philosophy and walking, or perhaps the philosophy

Walking, Marching, Protesting

In this time of social distancing, we may think wistfully back to the days when we were able to congregate in church, in theatres, and in protest. It was only six months ago that people from all strata gathered at the Manitoba Legislature for the Strike for Climate Action, inspired

Walking on Sacred Ground

An old bush-trail cuts through the back of my neighbour’s property, weaves its way around various hollows and high places, and opens at an old, grassy roadway, on the other side of Coney Island, on Lake of the Woods. The roadway connects a small seasonal community, a large beach, and

May Magazine 2020

In May’s issue of RLN, we’re taking a Walk. Alex Jackson takes us down forest paths; Hannah Foulger explores the nature of protest when one isn’t able-bodied enough to participate in the march; and Chris Trott reflects on the amount of time Jesus spent just walking. Download the pdf or

A Theo-Politics of Coercion – The Heresies of Jean Vanier

Jean Vanier was a hero to many, myself included. When I was in my undergraduate and master’s degrees, I was a live-in caregiver for persons with mental challenges. I later volunteered at at L’Arche community. I came to see Vanier’s theology of disability as not only a pastoral theology, but

End of Life – Reflections from a Spiritual Health Practitioner

A nurse asked me a question during my first unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at the Ottawa Civic Hospital 19 years ago. The question involved her expectations that chaplains provide primarily religious support to patients. This expectation often surrounds this job. I knew it then, and the intervening years have

Reflecting on Endings

Our minds like patterns and predictability, so we seek to establish routines and rituals to bring order and meaning to our lives. We use words to frame our understanding, but our vocabulary, like our understanding, is limited. We pretend our days start at a given time, or that our activities

It’s Hopeless

“I’ve tried. You know I’ve tried. For the past few years I’ve tried everything I could think of and now I’m ashamed to admit that I think the situation is hopeless. There isn’t anything left for me to do except admit it’s hopeless.” My spiritual director leaned in, smiled, and

April Magazine 2020

In April’s issue of RLN, we’re exploring “Endings.” No, this issue isn’t as bleak as the title would suggest. Alex Jackson offers a reflection on how endings can be moments of transformation. Rachel Twigg Boyce writes about how to recognize when something does truly need to end. And, Helen Holbrook relates her

Spiritual Gap Year Gives Women Space to Reflect

One is a music therapist, recently graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University. The second is a spiritual director from Hong Kong. And the third, from Lethbridge, Alberta, is discerning a call to the religious life. Three women from different backgrounds, but with one thing in common: they are all spending a

A Reflection on Modern Psalms

I was a teenager when I first heard it, a song released several years earlier. As Depeche Mode’s “Somebody” spun off of the cassette tape to my ears that first time, all I could do was sit there, still, with a lump in my throat. Rewind. Repeat. Rewind. Repeat. It

Bishop’s Directive – March 18, 2020

What to Do and Be Now They went to a place called Gethsemane; and he said to his disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” He took with him Peter and James and John, and began to be distressed and agitated. –Mark 14.32-33 Since Friday, March 12, the Diocese of Rupert’s

Bishop’s Directive, March 16, 2020

Draw your Church together, O Lord, into one great company of disciples, together following our Lord Jesus Christ into every walk of life, together serving him in his mission to the world, and together witnessing to his love on every continent and island. We ask this in his name and

How to Approach Difficult Psalms

We love to welcome guests to our monastery chapel to join us for morning or evening prayer, which consist of reciting the psalms in choir. The Psalms are the prayer book of the Bible; there is one for every occasion, emotion, question, joy, and sorrow. Truth be told, though, there

Bishop’s Directive, March 12, 2020 re. COVID-19 Pandemic

“What is the Coronavirus?” Watch a five-minute video by Dr. Peter Lin about the cause of the virus and its prevention. Although the risk of infection is low at this time, the Diocese of Rupert’s Land has issued new guidelines for public worship, in order to stay on the safe

Indigenous Awareness: Online Course Available

The Diocese of Rupert’s Land and St. John’s College have co-sponsored an eighteen-hour online course aimed at increasing knowledge and understanding of the issues face by Indigenous peoples in Canada, and particularly within the area covered by our diocese. The course covers subjects including the history of contact with Europeans,

‘Curse them, Lord!’ – The Psalms We’d Rather Avoid

The Psalter speaks to real-life situations. It encourages faith (Psalms 11, 23, 27), models praise (Psalms 29, 103), reveals wisdom (Psalms 1, 19, 119), and accompanies pilgrim people (Psalms 120–134). John Calvin’s description of the Psalter as “An Anatomy of All Parts of the Human Soul” in Commentary on Psalms is

Diocesan Clergy & Lay Leader Choir

Calling all cantors! This invitation is intended for all persons who have a need or desire to improve their chant skills and other singing! At the invitation of Helen Kennedy, whose idea this was, we are forming a group to workshop some musical skills intended for liturgical use, designed for



We start this month’s issue off with an article from the Rev. Theo Robinson on the resolution at General Synod on Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys for Gender Transition and Affirmation. This article explores the context leading up to the resolution and the good news of the Anglican Church of Canada becoming the first in the worldwide communion of Anglican Churches to have a pastoral liturgy for gender transition.

Next, the Rev. Dixie Bird describes the experiences and teachings shared at Sacred Beginnings. Sacred Beginnings is an embryo of Sacred Circle for youth to learn traditional teachings and get involved in the work being done by Indigenous Anglicans and just had its second gathering in May this year.

The Rev. Alan Hayes reflects on the 1963 Anglican Congress in Toronto which was a turning point in Anglican history and began significant conversations about decolonization and the Anglican Church’s relationship with the British empire. A recent conference marking 60 years since this congress has brought forward reflections on what has changed in the Anglican church in the intervening years.

A note from Refugee Coordinator Marlene Smith invites you to the diocese’s marking of World Refugee Day on June 23rd at Epiphany Indigenous Church. This day is meant as an invitation to “welcome the stranger” and calls us to explore the relationship between moving towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supporting those displaced by war abroad.

Robyn Sulkko of the PWRDF youth council announces their 12 month Youth to Youth program which provides opportunities for people ages 12-16 to learn about each other’s cultures and build right relationships with each other.

Finally, a parish profile on St. Michael and All Angels’ explores how that community’s unique Anglo-Catholic worship connects with both retired clergy and congregants in their 20s all looking to worship with all the senses in a context outside of the business of daily life.

I hope you enjoy this month’s articles.


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