Dickens and Turning Traditions

As we move into Advent, we move into a period of expectantly waiting for the feast of Christmas and the new year, when calendars turn over and a new decade begins. At saint benedict’s table, we save Christmas carols till the season of Christmas. Advent is a special season at

New Theology Courses

During the Winter 2020 term, St. John’s College will co-sponsor two theology courses with Canadian Mennonite University (who will be granting course credit). These courses can be taken at either the undergraduate or graduate level. “The Christian Life” with Graham MacFarlane at St. Margaret’s Anglican Church in Winnipeg on Tuesday evenings, 6:30 through 9:30

Lamentation and Dementia

They said he was born lucky. His body grew tall and strong, and he excelled in sports. His mind was quick, and he learned effortlessly. People liked him, and he progressed easily in business. He married his high school sweetheart and their children were their pride and joy. His business

December Magazine 2019

In December’s issue on Turnings and Yearnings, we’re exploring the balance between change and tradition, the turning of the old year into the new. Hannah Foulger writes about grief and changing traditions at Christmas through the lens of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, and Ryan Turnbull extrapolates on some new

AFC Awards $520,000 in November 2019 Grant Cycle

Thanks to donors, AFC reached its goal of $1,000,000 in disbursements to support ministry in Canada! NOV 21, 2019, TORONTO, ONTARIO—The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) has announced $520,000 in funding to support new projects across Canada in its November cycle of awards. AFC’s board of directors met in Toronto

Introduction to Advent

He came with love to Bethlehem; He comes with grace into our souls; He will come with justice at the end of the world. –Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, Divine Intimacy Advent simply means “to come” (Latin: advenire, from ad – “to,” venire – “come”). Christians have traditionally set

‘Just Visiting’

At saint benedict’s table, we’re big on the season of Advent. That’s partly my doing, as Advent is the season I most treasure, but I’m far from the only person in our community who has come to love the season. We take care to emphasize the themes of expectation, preparedness,

Reddening in the Dark

I can remember only one glorious summer when my father decided to become a gardener. To fully appreciate this wondrous event you need to know something of my father. He is a Portuguese immigrant, who came to Canada claiming on his immigration forms that he was skilled to work on

Preparing the Table

As seen in Acts 6:1–6, the diaconal ministry has been deeply involved in the church since its earliest days. One of a deacon’s many roles was to help the bishop with distributing communion elements, with the bishop sharing the bread and the deacon sharing the wine. In the examination at

The Harvest is in! And What a Harvest it is

2019 Anglican Grow Hope Report First, the money raised: $19,814.18 has been deposited in PWRDF’s account at the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. This money will go to feed people, to help small hold farmers diversify and grow better crops as well as enhance their livelihoods. Our Diocese – through individuals, parishes


The Way of the Magi

To begin this issue, two more people share their Bethlehem Moments, and one person shares a poetic reflection on what Bethlehem Moments mean for us going forward out of Christmastide.

Then, The Reverend James Gomez provides a brief history of St. Paul’s (Middlechurch) in honour of their 200th anniversary.

Following this, The Right Reverend Donald Phillips challenges us all to think about how we talk about Jesus. Would each of us feel confident in our ability to describe Him and the meaning of His life and ministry?

Karen Bender then shares a bit about Downtown Neighbourhood Lunch, Inc., a wonderful ministry operating out of Holy Trinity which gives food and essential items to those in need.

Next, Diane Guilford writes on the rejuvenation of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer (AFP) — what it is, how it has been rejuvenated, and how you can become involved.

Then, Obren Amiesimaka writes on ringing in the new year, tackling hopes and fears, and what Christmastide can teach us about the meaning of trusting in the Lord.

Lastly, Durell Desmond shares his poem titled “The Plan” to send us forth into 2025.

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.

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