Christmas Gift to the Diocese

The Christmas gift to the Diocese is a way for individuals to make contributions directly to the ministry and mission of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. This year, consider giving a gift to the diocese, perhaps on behalf of a friend or family member. Gifts can be directed to one of

Expecting Christ in a Smartphone Age

I love my technology. I love social media. We have new ways of communication that were previously only the domain of science fiction writers. Yet with every gain, there comes loss. One notable loss seems to be in our inability to let any story play out. It is easier than

Cathy Mondor’s Retirement

There was a lovely service of celebration for Cathy Mondor’s retirement from the position of Administrative Assistant for the diocese on Saturday. Folks from across the diocese turned out to wish Cathy well and thank her for her many years of ministry among us.

Hurry Up and Wait: practicing Advent at home

In our churches across the diocese, Advent tends to look pretty predictable. We have set colours, prayers, and practices in use from Portage la Prairie to Atikokan. But while there are only four Sundays in Advent, there are some 21 days we spend at work and home. The practices during

December Magazine

The December paper is out! This month has a special focus on Advent. See the online edition below. If you’d like to be removed from the print mailing and only receive the online version, please be in touch with us. Our apologies, the print edition of this paper is unusually

New Priest at St. George’s

After a year’s interim and an extended search, St George’s, Crescentwood, has announced that they have found a new incumbent. Simon Blaikie, a priest in the diocese, will join the parish in February. Please pray for the parish, for Simon, and for the interim priest, Brent Neuman, as they make this

On the Ground: Youth Ministry Favourites

We asked two youth leaders, one in Winnipeg and one in Ottawa, to give us a sketch of their best and favourite practices in youth ministry. Here’s what the people on the ground are saying. Spontaneous Relationship: Zack’s favourites  It’s all about relationship – This is why many teens go

Trailblazing: a new resource for youth leaders

“I love working with youth in my congregation but sometimes I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing.” “How do I get training as a youth leader?” “I want to put more spiritual content in our youth program in ways that the kids can relate to.” Across the country,

Bishops Dinner

A gathering from across the diocese enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Viscount Gort Hotel last Thursday, an annual event to raise money for the bishop’s discretionary fund. This year’s speaker, Dr. David Barnard, spoke of his journey of faith diversifying and growing over the course of his life. Dr.

A Covenant 20 Years in the Making

Part One: The Birth of the Covenant In the book of Genesis, we read of a covenant between God and God’s people: “As for me, I am establishing my covenant with you and your descendants after you” (Genesis 9:9). A covenant is a sacred agreement between two parties; in this

Articulating Faith Across Generations

Have you noticed how passionate and articulate teenagers can be about anything except their faith? Eavesdrop on a conversation amongst teenagers and you’ll hear them talking passionately about many things: Friends. Video Games. Relationships. Celebrities. The Environment. School (well, scratch that). But try to engage many young people in a

Pembina Hills Ordination

Congratulations Martin Allen, Chris Lea, and Al Thorleifson! All three were ordained on Friday, November 14 for the collaborative ministry team in the Pembina Hills parishes. Please hold them in prayer as they begin their ministry together as deacons.    

November Issue

Our November issue is out! This month is a special youth ministry edition. See the online version here.

The Feast of All Saints

Who are you remembering this weekend of saints? Tell us about the person in your life or in history who has changed the way you understand the world, your faith, God- who is the saint you’re thinking of this week?

Winnipeg Organ Festival

If you love organ and choral music, then you should mark July 4 to 9, 2015 on your calendars. The Winnipeg Organ Festival (WOF) will bring to Winnipeg organists from across Canada and beyond to enjoy 5 days of concerts, workshops and worship featuring “The King of Instruments”. The general

Physician-Assisted Dying: the right to die or playing God?

The “burning bush” is a new column featured in response to our readers’ concern that our Church engage the most pressing issues of our culture. Positions expressed are those of the writers and not necessarily of Rupert’s Land News or the Diocese. Part I: In Opposition to Euthanasia Physician-assisted suicide

This is Still God’s World

Special letter from the Bishop: The events of this past week, particularly the fatal shooting of a Canadian soldier in Ottawa, and also the hit-and-run incident of two soldiers outside of Montreal earlier in the week, have shaken our Canadian society. It has left not only police and security agencies



We start this month’s issue off with an article from the Rev. Theo Robinson on the resolution at General Synod on Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys for Gender Transition and Affirmation. This article explores the context leading up to the resolution and the good news of the Anglican Church of Canada becoming the first in the worldwide communion of Anglican Churches to have a pastoral liturgy for gender transition.

Next, the Rev. Dixie Bird describes the experiences and teachings shared at Sacred Beginnings. Sacred Beginnings is an embryo of Sacred Circle for youth to learn traditional teachings and get involved in the work being done by Indigenous Anglicans and just had its second gathering in May this year.

The Rev. Alan Hayes reflects on the 1963 Anglican Congress in Toronto which was a turning point in Anglican history and began significant conversations about decolonization and the Anglican Church’s relationship with the British empire. A recent conference marking 60 years since this congress has brought forward reflections on what has changed in the Anglican church in the intervening years.

A note from Refugee Coordinator Marlene Smith invites you to the diocese’s marking of World Refugee Day on June 23rd at Epiphany Indigenous Church. This day is meant as an invitation to “welcome the stranger” and calls us to explore the relationship between moving towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supporting those displaced by war abroad.

Robyn Sulkko of the PWRDF youth council announces their 12 month Youth to Youth program which provides opportunities for people ages 12-16 to learn about each other’s cultures and build right relationships with each other.

Finally, a parish profile on St. Michael and All Angels’ explores how that community’s unique Anglo-Catholic worship connects with both retired clergy and congregants in their 20s all looking to worship with all the senses in a context outside of the business of daily life.

I hope you enjoy this month’s articles.


Read and download the June issue here.

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