Creative and Imaginative COVID Initiatives in the Diocese and Beyond

The following list includes current COVID-19 activities and resources, compiled from both inside and outside of the diocese. It is a complementary list to the one that was created back in March 2020, which is available here on the Diocese of Rupert’s Land website. COVID-19 Resources All Saints Every Sunday

Advent Activities and Services

St. Philip’s, Hodgson: December 24, 2020, 8:00 p.m. Winnipeg, MB – Christmas Eve Service Zoom link available here: St Peter, Dynevor: December 24, 2020, 7:00 p.m. Winnipeg, MB – Christmas Eve Service Zoom link available here: St. Matthew’s, Peguis:< December 24, 2020, 9:00 PM Winnipeg, MB – Christmas

Warden & Vice-Chancellor at St. John’s College

St John’s College, a founding and member College of the University of Manitoba, invites applications for the position of Warden & Vice-Chancellor. Along with the University of Manitoba and the Anglican Church, St John’s College is committed to working towards reconciliation and Indigenization. The Warden & Vice-Chancellor will: Provide dynamic


Rivers Peace comes in the generosity of water. —Mary Oliver, “Swimming with Otter”     Peace like a river, says the song,   like a river that curls through prairie grasses and cuts through valley slopes to meet a new beginning at the ocean’s mouth,   like a river, cool refuge,

Foodgrains Bank named one of Canada’s top impact charities for third year

Canadian Foodgrains Bank is pleased to announce its inclusion as a Top 10 Impact Charity by Charity Intelligence Canada for 2020. The annual list by Charity Intelligence examines return on investment for each dollar donated “This repeated public affirmation of our work, and the work of our members and partners,

For All The Unknown Indigenous Saints

A quick survey of the Anglican Church calendar in For All the Saints (revised) reveals that of the 136 non-biblical commemorations listed, 18 of them are specifically Canadian. Of these, four acknowledge Indigenous contributions to the Anglican Church of Canada: Henry Budd (Cree), Mollie Brant (Mohawk), Robert McDonald (Anishinaabe/Metis), and Simon

Bishop’s Directive on COVID 19 – Code Red – November 11, 2020

November 11, 2020 To All Disciples of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land. Dear friends in Christ, Greetings in Jesus Christ, the One who leads us in extraordinary and liminal time. In keeping with the directives set forth by the Province of Manitoba, as of November 12, 2020 all in-person worship

On the Saints

In my library, I have two books on the lives and legends of saints in the church: David Hugh Farmer’s somewhat staid Oxford Dictionary of the Saints, and Richard Coles’ considerably more playful volume, Lives of Improbable Saints. Where Farmer’s book aims to distinguish what is historically verifiable from what

Anglican Grow Hope 2020: A Note of Gratitude

“For much of this year, we have been unable to meet together [except virtually]. And yet in spite of our physical separation, we have been successful! With all our individual efforts and prayer, together, we have raised: $12,430!” Read the rest of the update and Note of Gratitude from the

November 2020 Magazine

In November’s issue, we’re meditating on All Hallows or all the saints and souls of the Church. In ‘On the saints,’ Jamie Howison reflects on the dual natures inherent in the lives of the saints, and proposes that their stories are just as present in our own communities as in the worlds of history. Christopher Trott examines

Pandemic As Sacred Context

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with an unprecedented opportunity to examine and evaluate the daily stuff of our lives. We have been asked to step back from our usual activities and withdraw from life as usual. In the past few months, we may have needed to readjust our occupational

The Sacrifice and the Glory

On Christmas Day of 800 C.E., Charlemagne knelt meekly before Pope Leo III, who crowned him Holy Roman Emperor. After four centuries of humiliation, the Western church’s leap of faith and its resurrection of an old title forged what it hoped would be a new era. The act itself was

Companion Diocese Uganda Report 2020

In February, three members from the Diocese traveled to Uganda to visit our Companion Diocese. Together they have written a report compiling and sharing about their experiences, alongside some suggestions they have for our partnership moving forward. The report is especially important because it speaks to our partnership in the midst of

St. Matthews Maryland Looking For Volunteer

St. Matthews Maryland is looking for a volunteer from outside the parish to represent St. Matthews on the Board of WestEnd Commons. The ideal volunteer will be someone with building maintenance knowledge or experience. Contact Len Terlinski for more information: [email protected] WestEnd Commons is the social enterprise and housing project

Plagues and Protest

When presented with the opportunity to consider possible meanings and purposes of the plagues of Exodus for RLN, how could one refuse? The narratives of the Hebrew Scriptures are full of twists, turns, power plays, love, betrayal and more; and these ten plagues do not disappoint. But what can be

Bishop’s Directive, October 14, 2020

October 14, 2020 Dear Disciples of Rupert’s Land, May Christ be with you. On March 12, 2020, I wrote to you asking that corporate (in person) worship by suspended for an undetermined amount of time. Slowly, we established good practices and behaviors that allowed for us to once again meet

And there is no health in us

With the arrival of the pandemic, there has been renewed interest in Albert Camus’ 1947 novel, The Plague. It tells the story of an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the Algerian town of Oran. Many read it as an allegory of Nazi-occupied France in the second World War, but

Bishop’s Letter – Companion Diocese Request

October 5, 2020 A Message from the Bishop and the Companion Diocese Committee Dear Disciples of Rupert’s Land, Our Companion Diocese Committee has received an urgent request from Bishop Michael Lubowa of the Diocese of Central Buganda. The government in Uganda has allowed the churches to reopen in October but



We start this month’s issue off with an article from the Rev. Theo Robinson on the resolution at General Synod on Pastoral Liturgies for Journeys for Gender Transition and Affirmation. This article explores the context leading up to the resolution and the good news of the Anglican Church of Canada becoming the first in the worldwide communion of Anglican Churches to have a pastoral liturgy for gender transition.

Next, the Rev. Dixie Bird describes the experiences and teachings shared at Sacred Beginnings. Sacred Beginnings is an embryo of Sacred Circle for youth to learn traditional teachings and get involved in the work being done by Indigenous Anglicans and just had its second gathering in May this year.

The Rev. Alan Hayes reflects on the 1963 Anglican Congress in Toronto which was a turning point in Anglican history and began significant conversations about decolonization and the Anglican Church’s relationship with the British empire. A recent conference marking 60 years since this congress has brought forward reflections on what has changed in the Anglican church in the intervening years.

A note from Refugee Coordinator Marlene Smith invites you to the diocese’s marking of World Refugee Day on June 23rd at Epiphany Indigenous Church. This day is meant as an invitation to “welcome the stranger” and calls us to explore the relationship between moving towards reconciliation with Indigenous peoples and supporting those displaced by war abroad.

Robyn Sulkko of the PWRDF youth council announces their 12 month Youth to Youth program which provides opportunities for people ages 12-16 to learn about each other’s cultures and build right relationships with each other.

Finally, a parish profile on St. Michael and All Angels’ explores how that community’s unique Anglo-Catholic worship connects with both retired clergy and congregants in their 20s all looking to worship with all the senses in a context outside of the business of daily life.

I hope you enjoy this month’s articles.


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