Election 2015: A Christian Vote?

Two retired priests address the question, “What is the most important issue for Anglicans to consider in the upcoming election?”… each from personal perspective and experience. Tony Harwood-Jones: Dual Citizenship Anglicans — indeed, all Christians — are dual citizens. I don’t mean “British Canadian” or “Lebanese Canadian.” Our other citizenship is

October Magazine

Click the picture of the magazine below to read it online. To download the October magazine to your computer for printing or easy reading, open the pdf version here.

Treasurer’s Workshop a Success

Bernice Funk, the Director of Finance for the Diocese, held a treasurer’s workshop in Dryden, Ontario, on Saturday. There was a great turnout, with wardens, treasurers, and clergy in attendance. Presentations were done by Bernice as well as Gord Pawling, Sharon Routley, and Bob Clarkson. If you are interested in attending a

St. Chad’s Reaffirms Ministry Relationship with Kirkfield Park United

On Sunday, September 27, members of the vestry and congregation of St. Chad’s took part in celebrating the new ministry of Rev. Dwight Rutherford at Kirkfield Park United Church. The congregation also had a role in the covenanting service between Rev. Dwight, Kirkfield Park United, Gordon Bell United, and the

Laudato Si: Pope Francis on the Ecological Crisis

Anthony Waterman is Professor Emeritus in Economics at St. John’s College. Here, he addressed Laudato Si, the papal encyclical on the environment and human ecology. It can be found at laudatosi.com. “The Ecological Society of America commends Pope Francis for his insightful encyclical on the environment… The Pope is clearly

Ancestors of the Faith: Richard Hooker

Many Anglicans will have read some of Richard Hooker’s writings, although he is now mostly known by reputation (1554-1600). His major work, The Lawes of Ecclesiastical Politie, was published over a period of years beginning in 1593. Hooker was a complex, brilliant theologian and widely read. Born in Exeter, Devon,

Intro to Christian Meditation

“Be still and know that I am God” A six week introductory course is being offered in four Anglican churches beginning in the week of October 12: St Luke’s, 130 Nassau St N Monday 9:15 a.m. [email protected] St Peter’s,  755 Elm St Tuesday 10:00 a.m. [email protected] St Paul’s, 830 North Dr

Centre for Christian Studies Hires Two New Staff

September 10, 2015 Winnipeg, MB – The Centre for Christian Studies is thrilled to announce that Janet Ross and David Lappano will be joining its Program Staff team. After an extensive search process, we believe that David and Janet bring a depth of skills and knowledge that will nicely complement the existing

Discovering Vocation

Kirsten Pinto Gfroerer One day when I was twenty, I found myself sitting in the sunlight on the kitchen floor, deep in conversation with my brother. I am not sure if we were arguing or simply exploring a thought. However, in the midst of the dialogue, I unwittingly said the words

Back to School: St. Aidan’s Downtown

The happy laughter of children is a common sound to come ringing through the halls of Calvary Temple on a Sunday, but to hear it on a Monday morning feels a bit unusual. St. Aidan’s Christian School opened its second campus at the downtown, Winnipeg, church three years ago with

International Justice Camp

The Synod of the Diocese of Niagara MEDIA RELEASE Next Justice Camp to take place in Cuba HAMILTON, ONTARIO – The first-ever international Justice Camp will bring together a diverse group of Anglicans in Cuba next May to explore the concept of the common good with an eye towards furthering

September Magazine

The September magazine is now completely online. If you’re new to reading online, watch this short tutorial with a few tips. If you’d like to download it to your computer for reading later or printing instead of reading the copy below, you can open the pdf here.

Letter to Rupert’s Land Re: Syrian Refugee Crisis

August, 2015 Letter to Parishes of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land Re: Syrian Refugees Dear Friends in the Diocese, I am writing to each congregations in the Diocese about the crisis we see and hear about nightly on our newscasts – the plight of 4 million Syrian refugees. I am hoping

Shaking Things Up: clergy changes across the Diocese

There are several new placements and ministries happening across the Diocese this fall.  Liz Richens begins her appointment as Incumbent at St. Stephen’s, Winnipeg, September 1 Wayne McIntosh begins his appointment as Incumbent at St. Francis’, Winnipeg, September 1 Karine Snowdon begins her appointment as Interim Priest at Holy Trinity,

Cancer Support Group

St. Luke’s, Winnipeg, is hosting a Christian cancer support group twice a month for those suffering from the illness, their families, and caretakers. All are welcome to join the group on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 10:00 a.m. For more information, please email the church or call (204) 452-3609.

Reading the Magazine Online: a tutorial

The monthly magazine has now moved completely online. If reading online is new for you, or if you’d like to print it off for reading at home, watch this short tutorial for a few tips. Please share the video with anyone who might benefit from a bit more information about

I Will Not Be Shaken: a songwriter’s journey through the Psalms

[box] This is the perfect way truly to HEAR the Psalms — with scholarship and music, with mind and heart, with intelligence and emotion, with our whole unified soul! — Marva Dawn, theologian, speaker, and author[/box] I have to confess that it felt slightly surreal to finally hold a copy

Emmanuel Summer Learning Program

Update: the 2016 summer program needs your help! If you’re able to help with grant writing, summer planning, or the camp itself, please contact Ruben Garang. Emmanuel Mission is pleased to be offering their summer learning program again this year, held at Mulvey School in Winnipeg. The program, which runs for


Ora et Labora

In this issue, Dr. Obren Amiesimaka begins by looking at The Rule of St. Benedict and explains what work and prayer are. Ultimately, he says, it is a balance of the two that leads to a healthy spiritual life.

Following this, Sr. Mary Coswin writes on how our desires and longings will lead us to the Lord. When we pray, we make the decision to actively seek the One who has sought us all along. She quotes St. Augustine’s Confessions, “You have made us for Yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

Inspired by the Korean philosopher Byung-Chul Han, Ryan Turnbull presents the idea that we structure our lives based on what we can and should be doing. But that sometimes, and perhaps more often than we may think, doing things that may seem “useless” is what we need to take a deep breath and delight in the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Then, Zoe Matties invites us to practice the Sabbath in ways we may not have initially thought of. On the seventh day of creation, God delighted in what He had made. As such, we are also called to slow down, re-orient ourselves, and delight in what God has made.

Finally, I am grateful that I got a chance to meet with our new diocesan PWRDF representative, The Rev. Deacon Gabriel Kwenga (who goes by Kwenga). A man with infectious joy and perseverance who is dedicated to serving God and God’s people every day in his work and prayer.

Peace be with you; I hope you enjoy.


Read and download the October issue here.

Access a printer-friendly version here.

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