November Magazine 2021

November’s issue is devoted to the stories of people who have felt called to the church—those who have chosen to stay. In our first feature, Theo Robinson gives a testimony of his journey towards becoming one of Canada’s first transgender priests in the Anglican Church. Lynda Wolf writes about her first encounters

Messages from the Bishop – October 29, 2021

Dear Rupert’s Land friends, It is an honour to announce, and with joy, that The Venerable Helen Kennedy was elected on the second ballot of the episcopal election in the Diocese of Qu’Appelle. Please join with me in congratulating Helen, and offering prayer for her and the parish of St

Some Thoughts on Northern Foodways

Whenever I tell people that I have worked among Inuit for sustained periods, I am inevitably asked, “Do Inuit really eat their meat raw?” The answer is a qualified yes. First, eating raw meat (mikigiaq) is part of a much broader system of cuisine. Unlike most peoples in the world,

Employment Opportunity: Communications and Content Management Coordinator

The Canadian Conference of MB Churches (CCMBC) and Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba (MBCM) seeks to hire 1 FTE Communications and content Management Coordinator, shared between both organizations in the following way: CCMBC 0.6 FTE MBCM 0.4 FTE Staff in this position must identify with and represent the Christian motivation

St. Thomas Anglican grateful for leadership of Dianne Lambert

St. Thomas Anglican Church in Morden has been blessed with the ministry Dianne Lambert has offered as our parish rep for Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund. Last year, Dianne suggested to the Vestry that we focus on a particular ministry need highlighted by PWRDF and have donations go to

Food, Power, and Personhood

There is a scene in the book of Acts where certain members of the community complain because their widows are neglected in the distribution of food. To ensure fairness, the Apostles appoint seven men to oversee the distribution. This passage, often interpreted as the first appointing of deacons, connects the

All Are Welcome at the Banquet Table

The following article is a revised version of a sermon given by Cathy Campbell in July 2021.  This summer, the Revised Common Lectionary focused five Sunday gospel readings on John Chapter Six. The readings invited us to reflect on both physical and spiritual matters surrounding food. We started with attention

AFC’S Say Yes! to Kids proposals total more than $500,000!

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) has received an unprecedented wave of applications from across Canada in response to the Say Yes! to Kids Request for Proposals (RFP). “In the history of AFC, we have never seen anything like this kind of energy around a grant cycle,” says The Rev. Canon Dr.

Healing Harvest: Amanda Wallin Shares Bounty of Knowledge

Amanda Wallin has two names. The first is her birth name. The second is Black Cloud Woman, given to her when she was 25 at a sweat lodge ceremony in a place called Spirit Island. “I was told I was part of the Bear Clan and that my name was

October Magazine 2021

October’s issue is all about food. From farming and harvesting, to preparation, to mealtime. We eat food to survive, but also to experience pleasure and comfort. Food has the power to make us feel whole and alive in ourselves, and when we share it, whole and alive with each other. For

AFC Board appoints new Executive Director

The Board of Directors of the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Scott Brubacher to the position of Executive Director beginning October 18, 2021. Dr. Brubacher will succeed the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois who retires on October 15, 2021. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate,

The Wistful Wisdom of Lucy Dacus

Like many adolescents with an appetite for angst and idealism, I documented my teenage years with a diary. My diary included confessional material such as grievances with my sisters, lamentations over crushes, and my frustrations about being a benchwarmer on the varsity soccer team. It would be nothing short of

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – Bishop’s Message

September 24, 2021 The Diocese of Rupert’s Land September 30, 2021 The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Dear Disciples, Greetings in Christ, who leads to repentance and healing. This coming week we shall observe and honour The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, may it be for all a

Who is Our New Archivist? An Interview with Krystal Payne

The Diocese of Rupert’s Land hired Krystal Payne as the new Archivist back in Spring 2021. I was delighted to be able to get to know her a little bit over a Zoom chat we had back in May. – SK   Hello Krystal! Thank you so much for meeting

Embodied Worship & New Media

Ahead of Sunday, March 21, 2020, the call went out from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) National Office for photos of adapted worship spaces. It was the first Sunday that nearly every church was suspending in-person gatherings. The week prior on March 15th, I had used a small

Career Opportunity: Diocesan Office Coordinator

We are part of an international faith community bound together through sacramental worship proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ and responding compassionately to the world around us. The Anglican Diocese of Rupert’s Land encompasses 70 Anglican parishes in southern Manitoba and northwestern Ontario. Our Diocesan staff, located in Winnipeg,

September Magazine 2021

As churches begin to reopen, how does new technology fit into the life of the Church? How will digital devices and the virtual world shape our worship in a post-pandemic future? In September’s issue of RLN, we’re exploring these questions. Erik Parker, the pastor of Sherwood Park Lutheran Church, writes


Bethlehem Moments

This is a special edition of Rupert’s Land News. In this issue, people from across the Diocese have submitted their Bethlehem Moments. As we enter the seasons of Advent and await the coming of Christ, we once again listen to and learn from the story of the Nativity — the first of many times the world encountered Jesus and was forever changed by His presence. Hearing the story of the Nativity again gives us the opportunity to reflect on the moments when we recognized the presence of God in our own lives — our Bethlehem Moments.

In every moment of our lives, through thick and thin, God is with us and He loves us. This is why He is our Emmanuel. With the arrival of Christmas Day, we celebrate Christ’s body — His coming into the world as fully divine, and now, fully human. Together, we live our stories. Together, we welcome our Saviour. Together, we celebrate the Body of Christ as the Body of Christ.

Peace be with you, and Merry Christmas.

Read and download the December issue here.

Access a printer-friendly version here.

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